Pancheros Mexican Grill Phone Numbers and Emails

Customer Service Number:

  • (319) 318-6800
Call customer service

Customer Service:

  • (573) 445-5633
    Columbia, MO (Grindstone Parkway)
  • (573) 445-3096
    Columbia, MO (Stadium Blvd.)
  • (573) 447-2900
    Columbia, MO (Trimble Rd)
  • (573) 616-2893
    Jefferson City, MO

Pancheros Mexican Grill Email:

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Pancheros Mexican Grill Customer Service Overview

The aggregated data is based on calls made from website and questionnaires provided by users.

  • More commonly used way of contact is by phone.

    Source Distribution
    100% phone 0% email
  • The best phone number to call Pancheros Mexican Grill is 3193186800. 100% of consumers used this number to address their issues and concerns.

  • The longest wait times are on Wednesday, while the shortest are on Monday and Saturday.

  • People call Pancheros Mexican Grill mainly because of refund, staff and product/ service.

PissedConsumer Club

Contact Information

Pancheros Mexican Grill Website:

Pancheros Mexican Grill Help Center:

Corporate Office Address:

Pancheros Franchise Corporation
2475 Coral Court, Suite B
Coralville, Iowa 52241
United States

Other Info (opening hours):

Hours: 9:00am - 7:00pm CST

Other Locations:

2208 Missouri Blvd

Suite 100

Jefferson City, MO 65109

421 N Stadium Blvd.

Unit 101

Columbia, MO 65203

1101 Grindstone Parkway

Suite 101

Columbia, MO 65201

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Pancheros Mexican Grill Rating Based on 1 Review

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Summary of Pancheros Mexican Grill Customer Service Calls

00:00 AVG CALL

Top Reasons of Customers Calls

Consumers Call the Most From

Why Do People Call Pancheros Mexican Grill?

Staff Question:

  • “Cedar Fall bad service”
  • “Rude rude service, manger talking rude to me”

Refund Question:

  • “Ordered last night from the Riverside Drive restaurant in Iowa city and they didn't have all of the supplies to complete my order so I am supposed to call to get a refund”
  • “Refund”

Product/ Service Question:

  • “Hostile work environment as well as demeaning behavior.”

Other Question:

  • “Order was not correct”
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