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Contact New York Magazine Customer Service

New York Magazine Phone Numbers and Emails

Toll-Free Number:

  • (800) 678-0900
    Print Subscription Hotline
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  • (212) 508-0700


  • (202) 591-1140
    DMCA Inquiries

New York Magazine Emails:

Customer Service
Letters to the Editor
General Info
Pitch a Store Opening, Pitch Features
DMCA Inquiries, Privacy Inquiries
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Contact Information

New York Magazine Website:

New York Magazine Help Center:

Corporate Office Address:

New York Magazine
75 Varick St., 4th Fl.
New York, New York 10013
United States

Other Info (opening hours):

Print Subscription Hotline Hours (ET):

Monday - Friday: 8:00AM-7:00PM

Saturday and Sunday: 9:00AM-5:00PM

Mailing Address (The Editors):

New York Media

250 Vesey St.

New York, NY 10281

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Summary of New York Magazine Customer Service Calls

00:00 AVG CALL

Top Reasons of Customers Calls

Consumers Call the Most From

Why Do People Call New York Magazine?

Account Question:

  • “Error in gift subscription”

Request for Information Question:

  • “Yes about my subscription”

Shipping and Delivery Question:

  • “Where is my subscription and tote”

Payments and Charges Question:

  • “Unauthorized transaction”

Activation/ Cancellation Question:

  • “Cancel. Refund”

Other Question:

  • “Subscrpition problem”
  • “Searching for an old article The Parkway All Stars”

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