Magzter Phone Numbers and Emails

Customer Service Number:

  • (646) 756-2524
Call customer service
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Magzter Emails:

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Magzter Customer Service Overview

The aggregated data is based on calls made from website and questionnaires provided by users.

  • More commonly used way of contact is by phone.

    Source Distribution
    77% phone 23% email
  • The best phone number to call Magzter is 6467562524.

  • The longest wait times are on Friday, while the shortest are on Thursday. The average call time is 1 minute.

  • People call Magzter mainly because of account, activation/ cancellation, payments and charges.

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Contact Information

Magzter Website:

Magzter Help Center:

Corporate Office Address:

Magzter Inc.
One Rockefeller Plaza, 11th Floor
New York, New York 10020
United States

Other Info (opening hours):

Other Location:

K-48, Anna Nagar East, Chennai,

Tamil Nadu 600102, GNG House,

Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600102, IN

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Magzter Rating Based on 4 Reviews

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Summary of Magzter Customer Service Calls

01:13 AVG CALL

Top Reasons of Customers Calls

Consumers Call the Most From

Why Do People Call Magzter?

Account Question:

  • “I have a paid subscription, but app no longer lets me use it,”
  • “I want to close my accounts.”
  • “I want to close my accounts”

Activation/ Cancellation Question:

  • “I have subscribed the app. Unknowingly I deleted the app data. Now it's asking to subscribe once again.Iam not able to read the magazine”
  • “Cancelling magzter”
  • “Cancel subscrition”

Payments and Charges Question:

  • “Payment”
  • “Coupon”

Product/ Service Question:

  • “App keep crashing”
  • “Change purchased product”

Request for Information Question:


Cards Question:

  • “Update Credit card”

Website/ Application Question:

  • “I can't open my application, I have Selecciones subscription”

Refund Question:

  • “Refund”

Shipping and Delivery Question:

  • “Did not receive March, April ,May Rooi Rose”

Other Question:

  • “Magazines upload issue”
  • “About the plan”
  • “Beeld not showing”

Compare Magzter To

Companies are selected automatically by the algorithm. A company's rating is calculated using a mathematical algorithm that evaluates the information in your profile. The algorithm parameters are: user's rating, number of resolved issues, number of company's responses etc. The algorithm is subject to change in future.

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