Contact Livonia Public Schools Customer Service
Livonia Public Schools Phone Numbers and Emails
Toll-Free Number:
(800) 327-5966For Children With A Special Need Or Developmental Delay
Customer Service:
(734) 744-2660Adlai E. Stevenson High School
(734) 744-2603Adult Education
(734) 744-2545Anonymous Tip Line
Livonia Public Schools Emails:
Complaints/ Feedback
Customer Service
Adlai E. Stevenson High School, Buchanan Elementary, Cleveland Elementary, Coolidge Elementary, Cooper Upper Elementary, Facility Use Department, Food Service Department, Grant Elementary, Hayes Elementary, Hoover Elementary, Human Resources Department, Johnson Upper Elementary, Kennedy Elementary, Randolph Elementary, Riley Upper Elementary, Roosevelt Elementary, Rosedale Elementary, SACC Office, Transportation Department, Webster Elementary
Contact Information
Livonia Public Schools Website:
Livonia Public Schools Help Center:
Corporate Office Address:
Livonia Public Schools
15125 Farmington Road
United States
+1 (734) 744-2569
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Livonia Public Schools