Contact Lakeshore Surgical Center Customer Service
Lakeshore Surgical Center Phone Numbers and Emails
Toll-Free Number:
(877) 588-5594
(773) 761-6900
(773) 761-7699
Contact Information
Lakeshore Surgical Center Website:
Lakeshore Surgical Center Help Center:
Corporate Office Address:
Lakeshore Surgical Center is a freestanding Ambulatory Surgery Center dedicated to the delivery of care to patients in need of surgical services in an outpatient setting. Lakeshore Surgical Center is presented to make every effort to create an environment conducive to excellence and high quality in the overall management of the patient. Lakeshore Surgical Center offers such procedures and treatments as Cosmetic Surgery Face Lift, Liposuction, Breast Augmentation, and Scar Revision, etc., Ear-nose-and-throat Deviated septum, Adenoidectomy, Nasal Endoscopy and Sinus Endoscopy, etc., Gastroenterology Colonoscopy, Procto Sigmoidoscopy and Polypectomy, etc., General Surgery Laser Surgery, Laparoscopic Surgery, and Hernia Repair, Gynecology Laser Surgery, Laparoscopic Surgery, and Breast Biopsy, etc., Orthopedic Arthroscopic Surgery, Carpal Tunnel Release, and Tendon Release and Repair, etc. and much more. Lakeshore Surgical Center is based in Chicago, IL.

Lakeshore Surgical Center is ranked 240 out of 5506 in Hospitals, Clinics and Medical Centers category
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