Contact Keiths Concrete Customer Service
Keiths Concrete Phone Numbers and Emails
Customer Service Number:
(717) 633-7842
Keiths Concrete Email:
Contact Information
Keiths Concrete Website:
Keiths Concrete Help Center:
Corporate Office Address:
Keith Concrete, Inc. delivers constructing services in Central Pennsylvania and the surrounding areas, including Maryland and more. Its field of activity includes commercial flatwork and footings & foundations, driveways, patios, sidewalks, entry ways, architectural walls, landscaping and most of all peace of mind in a quality constructed project. The projects created by Keith D. Smith consist of retirement villages, warehouses, restaurants, office buildings, tilt wall projects, retail stores, shopping strip centers, parking garages and more. Keith D. Smith Concrete Contractors was started in May of 1994, with 3 employees and a focus on small commercial and residential concrete work.

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