Contact Indigo Recruiting Group Customer Service
Indigo Recruiting Group Phone Numbers and Emails
Customer Service:
+44 113 320 4387
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Why Do People Call Indigo Recruiting Group?
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- “Dianne Williams”
Indigo Recruiting Group, Inc. is a large staffing agency. The company was founded in 2012. Its headquarters is based in London, South Carolina, USA. Indigo Recruiting Group provides recruitment services in the following areas: accounting, law, medicine, state bodies, and undergraduate jobs. The company also specializes in underage and seasonal jobs. Indigo Recruiting Group is doing business in the USA market. It operates over the Internet only. Registration is a must for both jobseekers and employers. Slogan of the company is as follows: "We guarantee success in your business solutions".
Indigo Recruiting Group is ranked 115 out of 910 in Job Search and Employment category
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