Contact Hunt Estate Sales Customer Service
Hunt Estate Sales Phone Numbers and Emails
New England:
(617) 817-1178
(610) 639-0472
Hunt Estate Sales Email:
Contact Information
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Hunt Estate Sales is a privately held company which specializes in downsizing, moving or estate liquidation. It was founded by Maggie Hunt in 2012. The headquarters is based in Boston, Massachusetts, United States. Hunt Estate Sales serves New England and Pennsylvania. The company offers the following services: advertising, post sale counseling, and sales reports. It also cleans personal property where the sale is being conducted. Hunt Estate Sales cooperates with appraisers and specialists to set the most reasonable prices for different items. The company is fully insured. All consultations are free of charge. Hunt Estate Sales is a member of The Antiques and Collectibles National Association.

Hunt Estate Sales is ranked 347 out of 2723 in Real Estate category
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