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(954) 367-7984
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EvolutionMD offers such services as Liposuction, Hormone Replacement Therapy, Botox Cosmetics, Age Spots, Dermafillers, Veins removal, Laser Hair Removal, Mesotherapy and Weight Loss, Plasma Transfusion, and Plastic Surgery Procedures, etc. Dr. Velilla is a leading specialist of EvolutionMD. He is trained and certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine. He received his Medical degree of Physician and Surgeon from Pontificia Bolivariana University in Colombia. Dr. Velilla has achieved many academic honors. Dr. Cesar Velilla graduated top three in his class. After graduation he worked in Family Medicine, Emergency Medicine and Aesthetic Medicine. Dr. Edward J. Domanskis is the other leading specialist in EvolutionMD. He is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon who specializes in body contouring.

EvolutionMD is ranked 683 out of 2277 in Cosmetics and Personal Care category
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