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Emperor Limousine Phone Numbers and Emails

Customer Service Number:

  • (630) 383-4200
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Emperor Limousine Website:

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Corporate Office Address:

Emperor Limousine
590 Bonnie Ln
Elk Grove Village, Illinois 60007
United States

Other Info (opening hours):

Office Phone Hours:

(Services Provided 24/7)

Monday-Sunday: 10AM-7PM

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Emperor Limousine Rating Based on 2 Reviews

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Emperor Limousine is a company that specializes in providing transportation services. The company is headquartered in Addison, IL and has been in business for 6 years. Emperor Limousine operates only on the territory of the United States. The company offers a wide range of services such as H2 Hummer limousine rental, Cadillac Escalade limousine rental, Ford excursion limousine rental, Infinity QX56 limousine rental and others. Emperor Limousine provides a large number of bonuses such as discounts for services, membership cards and free customer support. The company also offers different specials such as party buses, shuttle and mini bus transportation.

Emperor Limousine reviews and complaints

Emperor Limousine is ranked 206 out of 912 in Rentals category

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