Contact Coronado Brewing Company Customer Service
Coronado Brewing Company Phone Numbers and Emails
Customer Service Number:
(619) 423-4900Imperial Beach
Customer Service:
(619) 275-2215Bay Park Tasting Room
(619) 275-6700Tasting Room
General Info:
(619) 437-4452
Coronado Brewing Company Emails:
Customer Service
CBC Imperial Beach, Group Events, Quality Control, Return, Tasting Room
General Info
Contact Information
Coronado Brewing Company Website:
Coronado Brewing Company Help Center:
Corporate Office Address:
Coronado Brewing Company Inc.
170 Orange Avenue
United States
Other Info (opening hours):
Monday-Sunday: 11:00am - 9:00pm
Other Locations:
CBC Imperial Beach:
875 Seacoast Drive,
Imperial Beach, CA 91932
Tasting Room:
1205 Knoxville Street,
San Diego, CA 92110
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Coronado Brewing Company