Contact City of San Leandro Customer Service
City of San Leandro Phone Numbers and Emails
Customer Service Number:
(510) 577-3200
Customer Service:
(510) 577-3351
City Council:
(510) 577-3357District 1 - District 6
(510) 577-3355
City of San Leandro Emails:
Community Development
Affordable Housing Services, Affordable Housing Services, Alameda County Fire, Building Code Enforcement, Building Inspections, Building Permits, Building Permits, Building Permits, Code Enforcement, Economic Development, Planning and Zoning
Customer Service
City Council, City Manager, Office of the City Clerk
Contact Information
City of San Leandro Website:
City of San Leandro Help Center:
Corporate Office Address:
The City of San Leandro
835 East 14th Street
San Leandro,
United States
Other Info (opening hours):
Other Location:
Public Works Main Office
14200 Chapman Rd
San Leandro, CA 94578
+1 (510) 577 3340
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City of San Leandro