Contact Child And Family Services Of Buffalo Customer Service
Child And Family Services Of Buffalo Phone Numbers and Emails
Toll-Free Number:
(800) 342-3720Report Child Abuse
Customer Service:
(716) 842-2750Appointments
Emergency/ Hotline:
(716) 831-700724-Hour Addiction Hotline
(716) 884-6000Domestic Violence Help Hotline
Contact Information
Child And Family Services Of Buffalo Website:
Child And Family Services Of Buffalo Help Center:
Corporate Office Address:
Other Info (opening hours):
Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Child & Family Services is a non-profit organization which offers a wide selection of family services. It was founded in 1873 as the Buffalo City Children’s Aid Society. The headquarters is based in Buffalo, New York, United States. There are several locations in Buffalo and Cheektowaga. Child & Family Services offers emergency, education, training, economic empowerment, and crime victim services. The organization also provides counseling and advocacy solutions. It has a residential treatment facility for boys and girls up to age 21 that are unable to remain in their own homes due to their behavioral and emotional needs. An appointment can be scheduled by email and by phone. There is a 24-hour domestic violence hotline. The organization accepts donations.

Child And Family Services Of Buffalo is ranked 314 out of 1456 in Governmental Organizations and Politics category
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