Contact Allante Keeshond Customer Service
Allante Keeshond Phone Numbers and Emails
Customer Service Number:
(317) 752-8842
Customer Service:
(317) 245-7610
Allante Keeshond Emails:
Contact Information
Allante Keeshond Website:
Allante Keeshond Help Center:
Corporate Office Address:
Allante Keeshond was started 27 years ago. It is a breeding business which was started and is operated by Jeri Caldwell. The woman is a professional groomer by trade. She owns her salon as well as teaches grooming at the academy. Jeri Caldwell wrote for the AKC Gazette as the Keeshond Club of America columnist. Thus, Allante Keeshond is a member of the club. Jeri Caldwell also contributed to the Keeshond Breed magazines with dozens of articles. The breeding business is based in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Allante Keeshond is ranked 3 out of 492 in Animal Services category
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