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by addie c Brs #193664

If my child is planning on finishing her classes one school year early, would she still be allowed to apply for university and be counted as a senior? Or does she need to finish a certain amount of classes to be counted as a senior and be able to apply? I’m asking because i she needs to apply for college in this upcoming deadline and i need to know if she needs to speed run some of her classes or if i can just finish by the end of the school year and be fine.

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by Eliott Ejc #192610

When is the graduation for the students or they can study our way to next year or is there any other way that you can make sure they change them or do you have to keep doing the same thing over and over

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by Neve Ouo #190099

Confused about the difference between acellus for schools and acellus academy. What's the difference?

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