City Of Sheboygan
Is this your business?
Tjscloset b
Bad fall
There was a fire at a business close to mine.
We have an alley between us. When the
Fire dept put out the fire they didn't put up
any tape warning anyone that there was
2 inches of ice under the newly fallen snow
I had no idea when I took out garbage.
I fell got a concussion black eyes and all
along with tons of medical bills. The city
is not responsible. I don't get it at all
especially since the fire happened at night
and the ice was covered with snow. I
Had no idea, but because they didn't put
down sand or salt I have to pay for it
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City Of Sheboygan
nikalseyn. I was totally kidding, but you actually are one of those people who sit at their computer and comment on everything. wow
I just wanted my medical bills paid for. I wiped my butt all by myself, haha good one.
I was doing some research on a company and came across this awesome site.
Was hoping for an educated opinion, Satan thanks you're funny!
nikalseyn, how many comments have you posted on this site? Thought so
Do you also need someone to tell you when to wipe your butt?
That's what health insurance is for. Why do you want to get paid for something like this??
They put out a fire and the standing water froze. That happens.
It was an accident. Get on with your life and stop complaining.