Cherry Hill Nissan
Fishing for coustmer
For over one week I saw good price for nissan quest 2012 ,(19.995 $ )..... I call them and they give a final price before the interest it's (21.785$)....they see it still here come to the store I get Appointment at 2.30 pm wensday 2/13/2013 ,..I call them same day at 9.20 am before I drove there it will take over 2 hours and they told me than car still on the sale and come over .....when I get there Ii told I have oppointment to see the nissan quest the sales man told me he sold it last nights ....how it come they say in the morning it still there ........they are bad people if his not honest in one think how u can believing him after that .....I gave a finger because he want sel me another car........
C-H In Financial Trouble
I'm included in a class action law suit against Cherry Hill Nissan related to them not properly itemizing pre-delivery services at the time of purchase. I contacted the attorney in charge with a ?
and in his response he noted that their review of the "stealership's" financial records reveiled that Cherry Hill Nissan is in finacial distress.
He indicated that a big damages settlement against the stealership would likely bankrupt them.
My response, "And your issue is....?" I felt like they ripped me off at the time of purchase, but i made mistakes too in my purchase approach.
Took advantage of me
not nissan so much as probably the dealership. i just bought a lug nut cover plastic,your descript.
cap-road wheel. part no. 40342-2w601. it cost me just under $50.00.
exhorbitant? i think so. same dealership that cost me $2300.00. for an oil change.
talk about gruesome service managers. must have gotten a huge bonus that year. it puts a major blemish on the reputation of nissan autos. i am on my third pathfinder, with a great respect for their durability, and quality.
but this stuff above really *** me off.
disgruntled coustomer for parts and service at the dealership nissan of cherryhill n.j.
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$2300 for an oil change,come on how *** do you think we are?