Cheers Chalet
Cheers Chalet - Refund Policy Review from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
I'm in the mist of losing my house only because both my parents have cancer and I'm helping pay the bills. I go up and show them everything including the paper where I'm losing the house and the still wouldn't give me half of my 2000 back.
I would never ever go to this place. People are very rude and just in it for the money!
Review! Review! Review! (The contract that is!)
Imagine it's your wedding day. You are the bride.
You chose Lakeside and as you walk down the path to meet your groom your breathless at the sight of him dressed in the Tuxedo he never would normally agree on wearing. He looks like he wants to just swoop you in his arms and kiss you which makes your heart heave. The whole world is shut out, all the people, all the noises. The only thing you see is him standing there waiting for you, all you hear is your heatbeat quickening per the second.
You try with all your might to keep yourself from breaking into a run because all you desire is to be close to your one true love. Then you hear a creak in the floor boards and feel the wood beneath your feet shake. Everything seems to go in slow motion as you watch everyone fall, hear everyones scream and as you yourself is plummeted into the cold water. Many are injured and require medical care your groom hit his head on a rock and has a major cut just above the left temple.
Doctors say he's lucky just a centimeter down or one more minute would have cost him his life. You are devastated. The only thing you care about at this moment in time is everyones safety but your day is ruined turned from one of your happiest to one of your worse. You look back on your contract and realize you are held responsible for everything.
The building repairs, the medical bills of all your guests. You just wish you took your contract to a lawyer or just looked at it before signing it and would have realized how one sided it is. In case you didn't want to read that here are the key points: * Staff is friendly till they find out you want to cancel *Contract is one sided and unreasonable (Take it to a lawyer or take it home and look over it) *They may say one thing but hey you signed the contract and they will use that against you! *The place is beautiful but not worth it in the end if a problem ever arises Main point is at the end of the day it is YOUR choice make the best decision you can but just REVIEW the contract before agreeing to it!
MY STORY: I'll make this short and sweet. My fiance and I fell in love with the place hurried up and signed the contract because they said the dates were running out quickly and they wouldn't hold it even 24 hours for us to decide, they also threw in free parking guides for us that are normally pretty pricy, but only if we signed right then and there. We asked if something were to happen if all the money is kept they stated only the deposit of 1,000 would be. Actually the lady didn't feel the need to inform us that all payments are considered deposits.
My fiance ended up getting injured and required surgery. Medical bills piled up and we decided to cancel the wedding so we can start out our life together properly and not in debt. I sent an Email in November stating I wanted to cancel. The lady I spoke to said that's fine she'll put a note in there.
In March I recieve another email from someone else stating my payment was due. I let her know I had previously cancelled they threated that they would charge me for the whole venue for giving such a late notice since my wedding date was supposed to be in June. Finally got everything straighted out sent a letter like they requested never had an email or any notification they recieved the letter of my cancellation. They kept referring to the one sided contract which is not what I was VERBALLY told!
I blame myself I got swepped up in the excitement, the magic of an upcoming wedding day and on the venue alone that I never got to use it was a 2,000 lesson. If you made it this far all I have to say is thank you for reading and congratulations on your big day!
If you choose Cheers Chalet I hope everything works out and it's magical for you. I am not say don't chose them I am asking for you to get that contract checked out before you sign on the dotted line that's all.
Cheers Chalet provided a perfect wedding, service and food
I just had my wedding at Cheers Chalet in Lancaster, Oh. The place was absolutely beautiful and the service was perfect.
I have attended many weddings all over the country and this was the most beautiful wedding I have ever seen. I had to pay for it and I couldn't be more pleased.
From the very first moment to the very last every detail was attended to in a manner that was professional and pleasing. They all went above and beyond to make sure that I was happy every step of the way.
Even though I made many last minute changes and wasn't always in the best mood they understood my problems and mad sure I was comfortable with before I left.
It is easy to complain about something but when things turn out perfect very few take the time to say thank you and give credit where due. Well thank you Cheers Chalet you started out my married life perfectly.
Cheers Chalet ruined our wedding
My husband and I just recently had our wedding at cheers chalet in lancaster ohio. although it was a beautiful place and was set up beautifully we had an unpleasant experience with there food.
they use a catering service called creative catering, when we received our dinner at our wedding it was cold and tasteless. Before the wedding we order one main dish for all the guests to eat, the description that was one the menu was no where close to what we were served.
cheers chalet had no remorse to ruining our wedding day, the servers that worked that day didn't even crack a smile. I wouldn't wish a bad wedding day on anyone, so if you want to have a happy wedding don't go to cheers chalet in lancaster ohio.
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This is so true. Had over $7000 invested and gave them plenty of notice and would not even hold the money for future event.
Understand they lose the date, but at least let someone hold for future event. Will never recommend this place to anyone.
They should understand there are circumstances in life and at least hold the money or a partial refund. There will be no food served or service provided by staff.