Center For Public Interest Law
Julianne Fellmeth of CPIL - The sex, lies, fraud, drugs, homewrecking, abuse, etc..
Did Julie Fellmeth and Robert Fellmeth of CPIL hire Reputation Defender? Google Julie Fellmeth.
Look at ALL the social networks, blogs, and website Julianne Fellmeth has recently joined. Why hide Julie? What is it that you are affraid of? The truth?
Let us expose a little about you....
Julie Fellmeth, You spend your life destroying Physicians, children, Men, etc...? Why? Are you trying to get back at your alcoholic father?...your drug addicted brothers? Sounds like Jimmy liked the needle more then you.
Daddy must be so proud of his little girl...twenty something year old law student seduces her fifty something married law professor.
We'll at least he married you. Does it make you feel better about your own childhood by destroying men, professionals, families, marriages, and hurting children?
Julie d'Angelo Fellmeth
Public interest (sic) law attorney Julie Fellmeth has focused the last decade of her career advancement on the contrived destruction of health care professions in California. ...
Did Julie Fellmeth and Robert Fellmeth of CPIL hire Reputation Defender? Google Julie Fellmeth. Look at ALL the social networks Julie has recently joined. Why hide Julie? What is it that you are affraid of? The truth?
In 2003, then Senator Figueroa, with the assistance of Ed Howard, passed legislation that was the beginning of the end for the Physician Diversion Program and the creation of the Medical Board Enforcement Monitor position for Mrs.Fellmeth. The EF qualifications were designed so only Mrs.Fellmeth would be eligible. Today, she trumpets the EF position was awarded as a result of "open, competitive bidding". She never mentions that Ed Howard is a CPIL Lobbyist and member of the CPIL staff. Ms.Figueroa is a member of the Board of Public Citizen, chaired by Robert Fellmeth.
Julie Fellmeth of CPIL and friend, Senator Liz Figueroa both lie!
In 2003, then Senator Figueroa, with the assistance of Ed Howard, passed legislation that was the beginning of the end for the Physician Diversion Program and the creation of the Medical Board Enforcement Monitor position for Mrs. Julie Fellmeth. The EF qualifications were designed so only Mrs.Fellmeth would be eligible. Today, she trumpets the EF position was awarded as a result of "open, competitive bidding". She never mentions that Ed Howard is a CPIL Lobbyist and member of the CPIL satff. Ms.Figueroa is a member of the Board of Public Citizen, chaired by Robert Fellmeth.
Apparently, Ms.Figueroa has a truth issue in other areas, too.
Recent tabloid articles by ProPublica, usually a respected Public Interest Journalism source, on these issues appears more like a CPIL conduit. It seems timed to support the budget request by the Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) for $30,000,000+ to add enforcement positions and make the process of enforcement less encumbered by Due Process or Equal Protection for Healing Arts practitioners. The financial gain for Mrs.Fellmeth and CPIL should be out in the open (eg. What's her involvement in the DCA "Enforcement Academy" and what is she being paid?).
Julie Fellmeth of CPIL is the Abramoff of California Politics
Here is more commentary about the corrupt DCA and company:
Karen Bass, Rosario Marin, Carrie Lopez, and Liz Figueroa are all proven to be corrupt government officials. Look at their connections and to whom they are beholden. The California Department of Consumer Affairs and Julie Fellmeth is the common thread between these criminals. Julie Fellmeth of CPIL is the Abramoff of California politics. Where is Gerry Brown? Oh, right; he is defending them and running for governor. Where is the Federal Judiciary? Oh, right; they are unprosecuting Shirley Sherrod.
Julie Fellmeth of CPIL is a LOBBYIST FOR TRIAL LAWYERS - Follow the MONEY!
The Physician Diversion Program of California was hijacked by David Thornton, former Director of the California Medical Board. David Thornton appointed stealth Trial Lawyer Lobbyist Julianne D'angelo Fellmeth of CPIL (Center for Public Interest Law - "Patient Advocate" - NOT!) as Diversion Monitor.
Her 20 years of animosity towards Physicians and Diversion was legitimized and memorialized in her November 2004 biased audit. That is equivalent to hiring David Duke to audit the NAACP. Julie Fellmeth is a Lobbist for the Trial Lawyers, hiding behind the title of Consumer Advocate Lawyer.
Fellmeth has a collaborator named Tina Minasian, who in turn has a victim posse she trots out to Hearings . Tina had a lower body lift. She was given written and verbal instructions not to resume smoking or put on weight. She did, then blamed and sued the MD for malpractice. It was as if she took her best pants in for alteration, put on enough weight to rip the seems, then wanted to hang the tailor. She lost the case. Her complaint to the Medical Board was investigated and thrown out. She set up a complaint soliciting web site regarding Target Physician, and would pressure & harangue callers to make false complaints to the California Medical Board, assuring them that filing false complaints carried no risk at all. The former Executive Director of the California Medical Board appointed Fellmeth as Enforcement Monitor. What Mrs Fellmeth claims was the result of an "open and competitive" process was in fact done in secret w/out the knowledge of other more capable people. Time for these crooks to be EXPOSED!
Please see the following websites which explains much of what has happened:
www.mbcconspiracy.blogspot.com Information on what happened to the California Diversion Program
www.standingup4truth.blogspot.com Information on the "Target Physician"
www.mbccorruption.blogspot.com Information about David Thornton, the former Director of the California Medical Board
David Thornton, Dave Thornton, David T. Thornton, California Medical Board, Physicians, Richard Fantozzi, CPIL, Center for Public Interest Law, Julie Fellmeth, Julianne D'angelo Fellmeth, Robert C. Fellmeth, Robert Fellmeth, Fellmeth, Tina Minasian, Florentina Minasian, Jeff Minasian, Jeffrey Minasian, Diversion Program, Kurtis Ming, Becky Anderson, Ken Mikulecky, Frank Valine, Linda Starr, Linda Starr-Mills, Linda Starr, Richard Frederick Mills, Richard Mills, Judy McDonald, Craig Leader, Wally George, Anderson Cooper, Daffodil J. Altan, Laura Choate, Ed Howard, Senator Liz Figueroa, Senator Figueroa, Senior Assistant Attorney General Carlos Ramirez, Enforcement Chief Joan Jerzak, Deputy Executive Director Kim Kirchmeyer, University of San Diego School of Law.
Julianne D'angelo Fellmeth of CPIL is a Lobbist for the Trial Lawyers
The Physician Diversion Program of California was hijacked by David Thornton, former Director of the California Medical Board. David Thornton appointed stealth Trial Lawyer Lobbyist Julianne D'angelo Fellmeth of CPIL (Center for Public Interest Law) as Diversion Monitor. Her 20 years of animosity towards Physicians and Diversion was legitimized and memorialized in her November 2004 biased audit. That is equivalent to hiring David Duke to audit the NAACP. Julie Fellmeth is a Lobbist for the Trial Lawyers, hiding behind the title of Consumer Advocate Lawyer. Fellmeth has a collaborator named Tina Minasian, who in turn has a victim posse she trots out to Hearings . Tina had a lower body lift. She was given written and verbal instructions not to resume smoking or put on weight. She did, then blamed and sued the MD for malpractice. It was as if she took her best pants in for alteration, put on enough weight to rip the seems, then wanted to hang the tailor. She lost the case. Her complaint to the Medical Board was investigated and thrown out. She set up a complaint soliciting web site regarding Target Physician, and would pressure & harangue callers to make false complaints to the California Medical Board, assuring them that filing false complaints carried no risk at all. The former Executive Director of the California Medical Board appointed Fellmeth as Enforcement Monitor. What Mrs Julie Fellmeth claims was the result of an "open and competitive" process was in fact done in secret w/out the knowledge of other more capable people. Please see the following websites which explains much of what has happened:
www.mbcconspiracy.blogspot.com Information on what happened to the California Diversion Program
www.standingup4truth.blogspot.com Information on the "Target Physician"
www.mbccorruption.blogspot.com Information about David Thornton, the former Director of the California Medical Board
David Thornton, Dave Thornton, David T. Thornton, California Medical Board, Physicians, Richard Fantozzi, CPIL, Center for Public Interest Law, Julie Fellmeth, Julianne D'angelo Fellmeth, Robert C. Fellmeth, Robert Fellmeth, Fellmeth, Tina Minasian, Florentina Minasian, Jeff Minasian, Jeffrey Minasian, Diversion Program, Kurtis Ming, Becky Anderson, Ken Mikulecky, Frank Valine, Linda Starr, Linda Starr-Mills, Linda Starr, Richard Frederick Mills, Richard Mills, Judy McDonald, Craig Leader, Wally George, Anderson Cooper, Daffodil J. Altan, Laura Choate, Ed Howard, Senator Liz Figueroa, Senator Figueroa, Senior Assistant Attorney General Carlos Ramirez, Enforcement Chief Joan Jerzak, Deputy Executive Director Kim Kirchmeyer, University of San Diego School of Law.
JULIE FELLMETH of CPIL is a Lobbist for the Trial Lawyers....Follow the MONEY!
The Physician Diversion Program of California was hijacked by David Thornton, former Director of the California Medical Board. David Thornton appointed stealth Trial Lawyer Lobbyist Julianne D'angelo Fellmeth of CPIL (Center for Public Interest Law) as Diversion Monitor. Her 20 years of animosity towards Physicians and Diversion was legitimized and memorialized in her November 2004 biased audit. That is equivalent to hiring David Duke to audit the NAACP. Julie Fellmeth is a Lobbist for the Trial Lawyers, hiding behind the title of Consumer Advocate Lawyer. Fellmeth has a collaborator named Tina Minasian, who in turn has a victim posse she trots out to Hearings . Tina had a lower body lift. She was given written and verbal instructions not to resume smoking or put on weight. She did, then blamed and sued the MD for malpractice. It was as if she took her best pants in for alteration, put on enough weight to rip the seems, then wanted to hang the tailor. She lost the case. Her complaint to the Medical Board was investigated and thrown out. She set up a complaint soliciting web site regarding Target Physician, and would pressure & harangue callers to make false complaints to the California Medical Board, assuring them that filing false complaints carried no risk at all. The former Executive Director of the California Medical Board who appointed Fellemth as Enforcement Monitor. What Mrs Fellmeth claims was the result of an "open and competitive" process was in fact done in secret w/out the knowledge of other more capable people. Please see the following websites which explains much of what has happened:
www.mbcconspiracy.blogspot.com Information on what happened to the California Diversion Program
www.standingup4truth.blogspot.com Information on the "Target Physician"
www.mbccorruption.blogspot.com Information about David Thornton, the former Director of the California Medical Board
ED HOWARD - of CPIL is a Lobbist for the Trial Lawyers....Follow the MONEY!
The Physician Diversion Program of California was hijacked by David Thornton, former Director of the California Medical Board. David Thornton appointed stealth Trial Lawyer Lobbyist Julianne D'angelo Fellmeth of CPIL (Center for Public Interest Law) as Diversion Monitor. Her 20 years of animosity towards Physicians and Diversion was legitimized and memorialized in her November 2004 biased audit. That is equivalent to hiring David Duke to audit the NAACP. Julie Fellmeth and Ed Howard of CPIL are Lobbyist for the Trial Lawyers, hiding behind the title of Consumer Advocate Lawyers. Fellmeth has a collaborator named Tina Minasian, who in turn has a victim posse she trots out to Hearings . Tina had a lower body lift. She was given written and verbal instructions not to resume smoking or put on weight. She did, then blamed and sued the MD for malpractice. It was as if she took her best pants in for alteration, put on enough weight to rip the seems, then wanted to hang the tailor. She lost the case. Her complaint to the Medical Board was investigated and thrown out. She set up a complaint soliciting web site regarding Target Physician, and would pressure & harangue callers to make false complaints to the California Medical Board, assuring them that filing false complaints carried no risk at all. The former Executive Director of the California Medical Board appointed Fellmeth as Enforcement Monitor. What Mrs Fellmeth claims was the result of an "open and competitive" process was in fact done in secret w/out the knowledge of other more capable people. Please see the following websites which explains much of what has happened:
www.mbcconspiracy.blogspot.com Information on what happened to the California Diversion Program
www.standingup4truth.blogspot.com Information on the "Target Physician"
www.mbccorruption.blogspot.com Information about David Thornton, the former Director of the California Medical Board
Center for Public Interest Law - Julie Fellmeth, Julianne D'angelo Fellmeth
The Diversion Program of California was hijacked by David Thornton, former Director of the California Medical Board. David Thornton appointed stealth Trial Lawyer Lobbyist Julie Fellmeth of CPIL as Diversion Monitor.
Her 20 years of animosity towards Physicians and Diversion was legitimized and memorialized in her November 2004 biased audit. That is equivalent to hiring David Duke to audit the NAACP.
Julie Fellmeth is a Lobbist for the Trial Lawyers, hiding behind the title of Consumer Advocate Lawyer. Please see the following websites which explains much of what has happened:
www.mbcconspiracy.blogspot.com Information on what happened to the California Diversion Program
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Fishy Fellmeth sycophant and payrollee, Richard Fantozzi MD who declared, "I know nothing about RECOVERY or Diversion programs," just teamed up with disgraced, fired Florida employee Raymond Pomm MD to form a NEW, CONFIDENTIAL (cough, cough) PHYSICIAN RECOVERY PROGRAM: "Professionals Wellness Resources."
d'Angelo Fellmeth pays Fantozzi who opens a fraudulent physician health program with charlatan Pomm. The contrived enforcement positions from California must not be paying off as they did before for Robert and Julie Fellmeth of USD. The d'Angelo cosa nostra must be worried California SB 100 won't be her personal piggy bank and feed trough as planned. Sunlight is an antiseptic! The cockroaches of CPIL are hiding under the sponges of Fantozzi and Pomm.
HOW FUN! The *** protects the slime.
Next Karnac prediction: the Fantozzi/Pomm team schemes for the multi-million dollar contract to run CALIFORNIA's health professionals wellness (sic) program. How much is your kick back Julie d'Angelo? Is your cirrhosed liver brother Ginny, er Jimmy, an honorary Board member? Now that would be diversity! When was your last drug test Julie? Oh, that's right...peyote is a religious privilege for Native Americans, of which you and Bobby are honorary members, providing free legal secrecy and hiding Indian Artifacts in your private personal museum called home on Coronado Island! That compound of yours sure looks more like 7000+ sq ft rather than the tax roll declared 700 sq ft. But what is a little fraud between government leeches and government blow fish?
Do I hear the theme from "Jaws" cruising towards the Fellmeth-d'Angelo mafia empire? OOPS, it is just the Federal Investigators and Department of Justice. Swim Fellmeth fishes SWIM!
Time is running out. Confess your sins Julie and Robert Fellmeth before you become an outline for "Law and Order," tape, chalk lines and all.
So, Julie, you now have Kathleen Hamilton on your pay roll? Nice book you two published.
Again, it's all worthless pablum, but fun for you two BFFs to stay close and coordinate your stories. Those sworn statements about open bidding for contrived EF positions must be due soon. If your lawyer hasn't told you, perjury is a crime.
Good luck. We look forward to more toilet reading: entertainment in the loo and saving on toilet paper too!