map-marker Azusa, California

Cheated me out of $10

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

The CyberSecurity program is selling a overpriced junk program that is out of touch with working adults located in Long Beach. I dodged a major bullet not paying all this money to get foul treatment.

The terrible experience continues when they promised a $500 refund but gave me back $490 gypping me out of $10 out the door. Not only did the woman finance director misspell my last name in an email but even lied to my cc company during a dispute about the $10 and kept me waiting for my refund money 3 weeks. Those shady people even told me not to submit a dispute while they kept my money hostage. It has been over 2 months and they promised me a full refund and only gave me $490.

I filed a dispute with the credit card company to get the full amount. It was all about showing off the pyramid and the teacher named Aryan to show that they believe in white supremacy and you are nothing to them. They did not care if I succeeded and want to play games with your money. They were too busy broadcasting "Where the white women at during class".

None of the people in the class were from Long Beach. The program is overpriced and was $12000 and now $15500 for no degree and you would have to pay for your own IT certifications(all testing centers are closed), buy your own laptop over $1000, and work remotely 100%(no support) I took out a $18000 loan and stopped myself after the teacher cut off my Zoom. Do I want to pay that kind of money to get treated like crap especially when the instructor is an obvious racist? I took the $500 introductory course thinking that the teacher would be ethnically not a Nazi.

The first thing I see is that the instructor's name was Aryan(red flag) and disappointing. I thought the program was run by Israelis surprise it is from New York. I got a $490 refund and was promised a full refund of $500 in writing. To this day they did not honor the promise.

Stay away there is no on campus, respect(misspelled my name via email and lied to cc company), or support. I Will go somewhere else.

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User's recommendation: Go somewhere else


Final Straw With Student Newspaper

Back in July, I was reading the online version of the Daily 49er and there was an article of how the editor praised Rolling Stone for placing a picture of the Boston Bomber on the cover (7-24-13). I was deeply hurt and outraged by an editor's decision to praise a magazine for glorifying a villain.

After that, I decided to stop reading the Daily 49er until they got their act straight. Well, just recently, I decided to give them another chance to see if their stories are more about school and the news, but no. I stumbled upon a story about Miley Cyrus and her behavior and that was the FINAL straw for me.

As a former student who wanted to catch up on what was happening at school, this really is sad to say that the Daily 49er has just lost a reader forever.

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Was the Miley Cyrus article not in support of her? You didn't mention either way.


The maturity level seems pretty low....


I am hoping that the person in charge has a nice lengthy chat with the students about appropriate behavior. I find the part about the Rolling Stone magazine and disturbing, and yes, it can cause a drop in readership.

When someone does something so insensitive, yes, it'll cause readers to quit reading the publication.

As for the Miley Cyrus situation, that is too getting on people's nerves. There needs to be some more leadership at the newspaper so there would not be as many upset readers and the paper would grow.


I find supporting the Rolling Stone Magazine's decision to place that photo to be anti-American and I find it wrong-and for a college publication to do that. They ought to be ashamed of themselves.

These students and persons in charge should know better than to praise a magazine for hatred.

Innocent people lost their lives during the attack and it is insensitive to agree with a publication that encourages hatred.

I can see why people would be upset and hope this is a lesson for college students about being true to their country rather than turn on them in favor of a magazine.

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map-marker Garden Grove, California

CSULB-Do Not Respond to Mail or You'll Get More

I am an alum of the school who was not too much involved with the school, unlike most of the students. The reason I am complaining is how the school would send mail without my permission.

First, they sent me a flyer for an alumni event, which I was not interested in. Then the worst one was the letter in which the school wanted donations for different programs. I did not send any money and that was what stopped the school from sending me any more mail.

Because, if I had sent a donation, the school would keep sending me more letters. I can understand that the school is having financial problems, but harassing people constantly is not the answer.

I did not join the Alumni Association, but how did someone get a hold of my address without my consent?

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The school found a way to sell my phone # to harassing telemarketers, bill collectors, and other people I did not give my number to. Be careful and monitor your phone in case the school sold it as well.


Do not respond. That will send a message that you are not interested and you have your own life to deal with.


I've had some bizarre emails and phone calls after my information was sold by the school. Some calls have been harassing.

Make sure you keep watch of your personal information and don't give anything too personal to this school. :(

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