Madalin Ehe

Jeremy Rachlin is being disbarred

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Jeremy Rachlin started working on my mothers estate in sept 2016he closed the estate in July 2020he lost 200k by not filing the 2page estate tax form on timehe is being investigated by the Attorney Grievance Commission and will be disbarred shortlyand I am filing civil action against him and Dunie Bulmanalong with his prior firm JDKatzit feels good for menot for himbahahaha

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User's recommendation: Run as fast as you dan

1 comment

Is it $200,000 or $800,000 ? Large difference.

The simple filing of a complaint by a disgruntled customer does not mean an automatic disbar. Those people guard their own very closely. What were you doing while this person was allegedly dragging his feet ? Dealing with numbers (whichever one) is incumbent upon you to understand regardless of whom you hire or do not.

You're not going to permanently deprive somebody of his/her livelihood over an omission. Let us know how this works out for you.


A liar and a crook

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

Nancy Farren over billed and filed motions illegally for one year when she had no legal mandate. She is a dishonest and unethical.

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She had a 'mandate' when you hired her. If you know so much about law as to pinpoint errors, why do you hire someone who does not ?

Or are you a psychologist ? You seem free to label someone 'unstable'. Only unstable people act qualified to brand someone else 'unstable'.

That could well be considered libelous on your part since you put it in writing and posted here. You could very easily lose such a case.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-2301360

The attorney is still with the firm (2023) and has been promoted. It appears you have failed to ruin her. We've dumped the only really scary weird Nancy ; the Former Speaker of the House of Representatives.

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A liar and a crook

Nancy Farren’s reviews of how bad she is are accurate. Her peers will write anything to support the corruption of family law since Nancy Farren is part of the money machine.

She over billed and continued when her legal mandate had long been expired. Nancy Farren is one of the most dishonest lawyers I have ever worked with, and I found her to be unstable.

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map-marker Olney, Maryland

Nancy Farren

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

Nancy Farren convinced my mentally ill ex-husband to hire private investigator after investigator, download all my phones and computers in a divorce case. She drained our family of $350,000 in 6 months.

In the end the private investigator called me to warn me that he thought my husband was unstable and may hurt me. The private investigator testified for me in the divorce. Nancy also convinced my ex to file a ridiculous domestic violence complaint to keep me out of my house! Nancy ended up firing my husband saying conflict of interest when I believe the truth is, he was out of money.

In the end, I was given full custody of my children.

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  • Beating them in the courtroom
  • Nancy farren and melissa k

To all that have left your heart felt messages after being victimized by Nancy Farren... I beg you all to contact the Maryland Court Watchdog Group in Montgomery County so they can investigate and help.

There are still many others who have not come forward. We are doing research on these cases and have other cases that will be submitted to show how Nancy Farren has harmed others.

Some of these victims are severely traumatized and are afraid to step forward. Getting their case files to help them will hopefully show these victims they are not alone.


I'm so sorry for your loss. It seems as though Nancy shouldn't have entered into an agreement to contract for services with someone who was not competent to sign the agreement. Seems like the bar association ought to hear about this.

reply icon Replying to comment of IExpectMore

The problem is the Ethics Committee has strong ties to Nancy Farren’s friends and associates.Only an outside Watchdog Group can help... along with the ACLU.


Please do not be afraid to contact others that Nancy Farren has victimized bc there are plenty.The Maryland Court Watchdog Group is doing all they can to help those who have been hurt by lawyers like Nancy Farren. Please feel free to contact them for help.


Ms. Farren does this to everyone

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map-marker Washington, District Of Columbia

Bulman Dunie Burke And Feld Family Law Services Review from Washington, District Of Columbia

Nancy Farren worked on our case as a BIA. I felt Nancy Farren was dishonest and cruel towards my children.

I met a mother who had also had to deal with Nancy Farren and I was warned that I would not see my children for years.

This mother experienced the same torment. In my opinion Nancy Farren lacks the empathy to deal with children. She humiliated my kids by despariging me publicy and wouldn't stop.

She focused on how I looked, what I wore and how I stayed so thin. Nancy Farren traumitized me to no end. She never allowed me to send my children gifts, cards or letters for over 3 years. I was a stay at home mother and a room parent..a full time volunteer and she painted me as a criminal.

Please, if anyone has the same experience do what you can to report her. I can't imagine how this woman could ever be a BIA.

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Reason of review:
Poor customer service

Contact the Bar Association. I wish I had.

reply icon Replying to comment of IExpectMore

If you want to make a difference, leave you complaints on Avvo.. it’s a website that most people refer to, to help guide them on which lawyers have bad reviews.If you can leave a detailed review of how you were victimized by Ms.

Farren it will be widely circulated through out the legal community and those who are looking for a good lawyer. This is one of the most efficient ways to warn the community. Be prepared to see follow up reviews that will immediately come up to defend Ms. Farren.

It will be obvious to anyone reading them that they are written to defend her and usually they are written by someone she works with. That’s my guess.

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map-marker Washington, District Of Columbia

Nancy Farren Esquire - Bethesda Maryland

Bulman Dunie Burke and Feld - Nancy Farren Esquire - Bethesda Maryland

Nany Farren was hired to perform the adoption of my child. She claimed she had experience in this area.

She over charged me several times and adjusted the bill when she was called on it.

She also filed incorrect adoption papers, which was told to me by the family law judge after I fired her for trying to rip me off for the third time.

I was able to file the adoption papers entirely on my own. The forms were available in the Rockville Law library.

I don't have a college degree let alone a law degree. She should have been able to fill out the correct document.

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Nancy Farren convinced my mentally ill ex-husband to hire private investigator after investigator, download all my phones and computers in a divorce case. She drained our family of $350,000 in 6 months.

In the end the private investigator called me to warn me that he thought my husband was unstable and may hurt me.

The private investigator testified for me in the divorce. Nancy ended up firing my husband saying conflict of interest when I believe the truth is, he was out of money.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1148925

So sorry, in retrospect I should have filed a complaint with the attorney grievance commission.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1148948

Please find a way to contact me. This is no longer a grievance issue.

This must be brought to the DA and our Legislatures. A Screen Play is in the works about her called " The BIA".

I was told by all councel to walk away from her, that infuriated Nancy FARREN bc she could no longer profit off my daughters pain. Please don't be afraid to go public.

My custody firm will never use her and the evaluator who is a highly regarded forensic psychologist has written that she does not agree with her at all. I'm told what she's done in our case has been an example experts are talking about in law conferences.

You'll be helping so many children by reporting her to the DA.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1148948

You still can report Nancy Farren... there is no Statue of Limitations.By reporting her it will be in the record and they will take other reports on her more seriously.She’s a dangerous lawyer.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1148925

I was also a victim of Nancy Farrens abuse. She made thousands off my family and lied in her writings.

I also met another mother who went through a similar situation. Nancy FARREN filed motions when she had no legal mandate. I know a mother who she kept the kids from any contact for almost 4 years. Nancy Farren had done the same to me.

I just recently got phone records from the Montgomery County Police Department proving she lied in emails submitted to court. I am filing a grievance and a story is being written about her that will be made public. Please don't let her get away with this. She has destroyed my daughters lives and I have had no contact in over 4 years.

The top custody firm wrote to her about her unethical behavior and evaluators have called her dangerous and unstable. I have the letters that I will be turning in to a grievance commitee and she billed pretending to call therapists, writing that she was waiting for a call back when they had left the case years prior.

She is very unethical. Thank God the police gave me the phone records to prove she lied.

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map-marker Washington, District Of Columbia

Nancy Farren Esquire - Bethesda Maryland

Nancy Farren Esquire, claimed to have experience in areas of law she did not.

She caused my family a lot of heart ache in her terrible handling of my child's adoption.

She filed several documents incorrectly, which was told to me by the Montgomery County Maryland law judge after I fired her for over charging me on more than one occasion.

As an attorney she should have been able to do this correctly.

I knew nothing about law and was able to pull the documents together from the Rockville, Maryland law library, which has sample forms. Duh!

I never graduated from college, let alone get a law degree.

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Since this is such an ongoing issue, should we band together and file a formal complaint with the bar?

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-934018

Yes..I also know of other people. I was told by others that work with her that she was a dangerous BIA and to just ignore and move on.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-934018

Yes we should I’d people were not so afraid to leave their names to be able to contact them.Please do not be afraid. It will help others and hopefully save a life.


Working with Nancy Farren was a nightmare. She's highly unethical and not trustworthy.

A lazy lawyer who has no idea whats going on.

A huge waste of money!

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-933412

I really wish more people would express the financial hardship , frustration and fatigue caused by Nancy.

I have to say she's a great liar in court and the judge seemed to love her.

How about her great ability to overcharge.

She's made an art out of having her assistant pick up the phone numerous times, when the issues could be resolved in a single conversation.

Finding a great lawyer can be quite a challenge. Once you do, show them how much you appreciate them .

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-933511

Thank you for posting this information on Nancy Farren. Sadly Nancy Farren feels very confident about her dishonest strategy but she harms children along the way.

When a lawyer views success in family law by destroying another parent it's a sad situation for the children. Nancy Farren doesn't think about the long term affects and ramifications of what this does to children and the emotional scars it leaves. I have littrally seen her lie to children she represents and then tortures their parents who go years without seeing their children. Even with evidence of her dishonesty she still keeps at it.

She seems to relish watching people suffer in these situations and almost thrives on it.

If you case search her, it's easy to see her strategy and how wrong it is for children.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-933511

Find out how much money Nancy Farren and her firm have donated to the campaigns of the judges who take her side.I believe Judges are put in a horrible position not knowing who to believe. If Judges knew that Nancy Farren was lying I hardly think they would allow her to get away with her corrupt practices.


Nancy Farren is highly unethical. She completely ruined my best friends family by alienating her children from her all for money in her pocket.

She has not allowed a mother to see her daughters for more than 16 months. I thought she was a best interest attorney?????

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-678152

I'm sorry you had to go through this. I watched her lie in court which cost a parent a lot of time, money and aggravation.


Your capable of more than you realize.

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