Branches A
map-marker Los Angeles, California

Sara Tople Branches Homeschooling Community

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I am writing this post to warn people who are considering Homeschool co-ops, for their children, about Branches Homeschool, and its two founders, Christine Stauffer, and Sara Tople: Our children attended Branches Home-schooling Community for two years. Let me say that, in my opinion, it’s a terrible homeschooling group. As a way of background, Branches Home-schooling Community is relatively new, and just started growing over the past several years, they have several campuses, namely:

Branches Chandler

Branches Biltmore

Branches west valley

The two main people running it are Christine Stauffer and Sara Tople. My main complaint is with the elitist, snotty, arrogant attitudes of the two main people in charge (Christine Stauffer and Sara Tople). In particular, we had several issues with Sara Tople. She is a rude, condescending, arrogant person, in our opinion. She has a Beverly Hills snotty attitude, and she appears to foster this mindset within the school.

As Christian, its so important for us to walk our faith, and not be like the world, but she comes across in a much different manner, from our perspective. It is so sad to see, in this fallen world that we live in, that even a Christian home-schooling groups can even be this way. We are supposed to be teaching our kids to love Christ, be like Him, and not of the world, yet, from my perspective, worldliness abounds in this organization. Much like a lot of the prosperity, TBN type churches, you are left wondering what the real, hidden motives, are. Of course, there are things we won’t know for sure, but as the verse says, you shall know them by their fruits. Our run-ins with Sara Tope, in particular, left us shaking our heads, and being turned off by her arrogance and questioning her sincerity as Christian homeschooling leader.

There are major cliques within the school. There are the popular kids, and there’s the rest. There seems to be a lot of snotty kids, much like you would find at a private school or a public school. People, in leadership, profess to be born again Christians, yet their actions are far from it, and it seems to trickle down to the children. There’s the “Popular’s,” and then there’s the rest ( the outcasts)

We were really disappointed with this organization, and its leadership; we sense that it’s all about money and success, and, of course, who’s who. Very Scottsdale, very snobbish, and very elitest..

We strongly recommend staying away from Branches Home-schooling Community

Ephesians 4:2: With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love.

Concerned ex-parent

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