Bowen Home Services
Bowen Home Service is TERRIBLE!
Find a professional roofer this company of 1 will really mess you up (IF he bothers to shows up)! Dealt with Sean directly and was never told the truth.
In this economy please give your work to someone who deserves your money and hopefully you won't get what I got NOTHING! You will see reviews here written by someone who loves Sean, again relatives need not sit and write positives to their sons unprofessional behavior.
I'm letting the world know as they have a right to find someone anyone other than Bowen Home Services. Run Away from this company....It's your hard earned money!
Bowen Home Services rocks! Will use them every time!
I want to recommend Bowen Home Services to anyone that lives in our area. Sean is on of the most ethical people I have ever had the pleasure to get to know.
He is hard-working and really makes sure you have a job well-done. I absolutely can not say enough wonderful things about this company. I really, really, hate that some people take the time to try to ruin the character of this man and his company.
I have know him and his family for some time and know the effort and care he puts into his work.
Don't Use Bowen Home Services, LLC Morehead City NC
Shouldn\'t be in business! Very Dishonest!!!!
After Hurricane Irene hit the Crystal Coast at Atlantic Beach, NC on August 27th, 2011 my home on the barrier island sustained serious roof damage. Once allowed back on the barrier island, my management agent contacted me on Monday August 29th, 2011 informing me I had serious roof damage at the peak of my roof on both sides, as well as, some siding and sulfite missing.
The roof was missing rows of shingles on both sides near the top down to bare plywood leaving the entire house exposed to the elements. This also caused serious interior ceiling damage with the hurricane rain dumping close to 10 inches over a long period of time.
My agent contacted Sean Bowen of Bowen Home Services, LLC of Morehead City, NC (supposedly an expert roofer) who immediately came to his office to go over the type of roof to put back on and inform him of a ball park figure. I then called the Sean Bowen myself within 30 minutes of his leaving my agents office going over the entire process he was to perform to get my roof repaired, and giving him permission to do the work with an agreed upon ball park figure.
Sean stated was on his way over to close up my house with tar paper to avoid any further water damage and would order the 7 bundles of shingles taking a week to arrive. I thanked Sean several times in that conversation for being so prompt and getting my house covered while waiting on the shingles to arrive.
Guess What? On September 21, 2011 3 weeks after the hurricane we find out the roofer not only didn't order the shingles he never went to the house to tar paper the roof to prevent further damage. When my agent finally got a hold of him, he stated "I don't even have an excuse I just didn't do it'.
If he didn't want to do the work he could have told us that upfront or called and request we get someone else. He did nothing and never said a word until my agent went to the house and nothing was done. Since the first time he was contacted and supposedly on his was to seal the roof with tar paper it rained multiple times and who knows how much more damage has now been done for this lazy irresponsible person letting my $700,000 investment sit there to endure more damage without a word spoken. Don't give Sean Bowen your business he regards you and your property as a nuisance unless he feels like working that day.
Oh yeah, he wasn't cheap either but I was willing to pay what he quoted so it wasn't over money he's just Lazy and Irresponsible!!!!!! Run away from this business as fast as you can!!!!!!
Bowen Home Services provides such quality work!!!!!!!!!Love, love, love them!
Just wanted to say Bowen Home Services (Sean Bowen), is one of the companies I am glad to have found. There are negative people out there everywhere that have nothing better to do than to try to hurt someones reputation.
It is very sad that these has become the people we have to deal with and the world that we live in. Keep up the wonderful work Sean.
Sean came to my home and quickly estimated the amount of time and money it would take to complete a project I wanted him to do. He worked quickly and efficiently.
He even came out on the weekend to make sure the job was done right. SUCH QUALITY WORK!!!!!!! I am so pleased! I really appreciated his expertise and honesty.
Those are qualities that are hard to find in someone in this field. I will certainly use him every time from now on. Tried to recommend him to my friends but they already use him.
Wish they had told me about him sooner! Thank you Sean Bowen for a job well done!
Bowen Home Services Morehead City NC
Update of work NOT performed by Bowen Home Services in Morehead City, NC. After finding out that Sean lied and never did anything to cover my exposed home as promised, we had 3 other contractors come in and do the work.
The house sustained more water damage due to the 3 weeks of exposure to rain. Thanks Sean Bowen! I had 4 ceilings repaired and painted, along with the siding and the roof being repaired in 2 days. Imagine if Sean had covered the roof as he stated he had done, I wouldn't have had to pay so much money for ceiling damages.
Thanks again Sean Bowen YOU SUCK! Stay away from this lazy irresponsible no good person and give your money to a hard working honest person.
Especially when times are hard and honest people are looking for work.
Lazy Irresponsible Roofer Didn't Do Anything
After Hurricane Irene hit the Crystal Coast at Atlantic Beach, NC on August 27th, 2011 my home on the barrier island sustained serious roof damage. Once allowed back on the barrier island, my management agent contacted me on Monday August 29th, 2011 informing me I had serious roof damage at the peak of my roof on both sides, as well as, some siding and sulfite missing. The roof was missing rows of shingles on both sides near the top down to bare plywood leaving the entire house exposed to the elements. This also caused serious interior ceiling damage with the hurricane rain dumping close to 10 inches over a long period of time.
My agent contacted Shawn Bowen of Bowen Home Services, LLC of Morehead City, NC (supposedly an expert roofer) who immediately came to his office to go over the type of roof to put back on and inform him of a ball park figure. I then called the Shawn Bowen myself within 30 minutes of his leaving my agents office going over the entire process he was to perform to get my roof repaired, and giving him permission to do the work with an agreed upon ball park figure. Shawn stated was on his way over to close up my house with tar paper to avoid any further water damage and would order the 7 bundles of shingles taking a week to arrive. I thanked Shawn several times in that conversation for being so prompt and getting my house covered while waiting on the shingles to arrive.
Guess What? On September 21, 2011 3 weeks after the hurricane we find out the roofer not only didn't order the shingles he never went to the house to tar paper the roof to prevent further damage. When my agent finally got a hold of him, he stated "I don't even have an excuse I just didn't do it'. If he didn't want to do the work he could have told us that upfront or called and request we get someone else. He did nothing and never said a word until my agent went to the house and nothing was done. Since the first time he was contacted and supposedly on his was to seal the roof with tar paper it rained multiple times and who knows how much more damage has now been done for this lazy irresponsible person letting my $700,000 investment sit there to endure more damage without a word spoken. Don't give this person your business he regards you and your property as a nuisance unless he feels like working that day. Oh yeah, he wasn't cheap either but I was willing to pay what he quoted so it wasn't over money he's just Lazy and Irresponsible!!!!!! Run away from this business as fast as you can!!!!!!
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Internet Libel /Civil and Crim. Offense. (Public)
Sponsors: Senators Goss; Allran, Bingham, Davis, Jones, Stevens, and Tillman.
Referred to: Judiciary I.
February 4, 2009
5 The General Assembly of North Carolina enacts:
6 SECTION 1. Article 12 of Chapter 14 of the General Statutes is amended by
7 adding a new section to read:
8 "§ 14-47.1. Communicating libelous or slanderous material through an electronic
9 medium.
10 (a) Definition. – The following definitions apply to this section:
11 (1) Communicate. – The term includes publishing, speaking, uttering, or
12 conveying by words, acts, or in any other manner of a libel or slander.
13 (2) Electronic medium. – The Internet and any computerized or electronic
14 information service. The term includes a bulletin board, a network, an online
15 service, electronic mail, a forum, a blog, or a news group.
16 (b) Offense. – It is unlawful for any person to communicate by transmission through an
17 electronic medium any false, defamatory statement that is libelous or slanderous.
18 (c) Penalty. – A person convicted of an offense under this section is guilty of a Class 2
19 misdemeanor.
20 (d) Jurisdiction. – The offense is committed in the State for purposes of determining
21 jurisdiction, if the transmission that constitutes the offense either originates in the State or is
22 received or viewed in the State."
23 SECTION 2. Chapter 99 of the General Statutes is amended by adding a new
24 section to read:
25 "§ 99-10. Libel and slander transmitted through an electronic medium.
26 (a) Definition. – The following definitions apply to this section:
27 (1) Communicate or communication. – The terms include the publication,
28 speaking, utterance, or conveyance by words, acts, or any other manner of a
29 libel or slander.
30 (2) Electronic medium. – The Internet and any computerized or electronic
31 information service. The term includes a bulletin board, a network, an online
32 service, electronic mail, a forum, a blog, or a news group.
Lady, I don't know Sean and I don't know you, but WE GET IT. MOVE ON.
YOU obviously have an obsessive personality. Get help.
Move on with your life. We are tired of reading about the same thing.