map-marker Montreal, Quebec

Bota Bota Spa

This is to complain about Bota Bota Spa for their continued employment and association with Paul Broomfield.

None of the accusations online are false. He physically harassed and stalked a client at Studio Breathe last year. She filed a formal complaint against him. He then started to go under false names and alias' on the ddhg chatboard in an attempt to find out who was the one that initially posted on him and then started to post up the names and pictures of fans of ddhg from FaceBook, including many women who were physically abused by their former spouses. In the midst of all this, Paul posted on me and blew my anonymity and my children's and I had to get a second restraining order. Based on the information which was given to me on Mr. Broomfield, I found out that he was essentially let go from every studio he worked at in Alberta and started to post on him after I started to receive information.

He thought it was the girl who complained about him posting and then showed up at her apartment at midnight knocking at her door and scaring her out of her wits. She called the police on him and they started the file on him from then on.

After I posted my email letsgetthisjerk@***.com , many other girls

came forward and shared their various stories with me, about Mr. Broomfield. There was the wealthy emotionally vulnerable divorcee, who he was flirting with and told her he would only date her if she first paid him for private lessons first. When she refused, he started screaming at her saying she had bad feelings for him from the beginning. There was the girl whose hand he violently slammed in Peru, a trip he had invited her on. When she found out that constituted assault under the legal definition of it, she too finally filed a complaint against Paul at Studio Breathe and he was let go a few days later. There was the model that he did pass the herpes to. There were several clients who filed complaints against him at happytree yoga after he discussed the glamour of suicide in class. He regularly humiliated or embarrassed clients in front of other people in class, made them sit in corners or yelled at them for not doing certain poses. There is the studio owner who slapped Paul after he insulted other staff there. Three girls from Alberta came forward and shared stories of him regularly getting into bar fights, his drinking problem and making inappropriate "adjustments" in class by touching, pushing or handling sensitive parts of the body. And it goes on and on and on. Not once, did he ever apologize to any of these persons or make amends or offer compensation for his actions.

I don't know if you have children or a daughter, but this individual NEEDS to be outed and the public needs to know how he threatened the security of me and my children, and disturbed the psycho-emotional health and balance of many other women. Law enforcement knows about him but since they never caught him in the act or because it was outside of their jurisdiction, no charges could be filed.

Please listen to these other voices. While the internet is a place of commerce, it also can be a place of truth and some justice. He may come across as very charming and sweet but he is a very manipulative person.

Please reconsider associating with him since every other studio dropped him after his behaviour there and the negative publicity he generated. He has no choice except to work as an "independent" working for small luxury groups. He'll claim he was fired because of anonymous emails but the reality is that the studios finally had enough of him and his lies; he was already on thin ice. He did too many wrong things during his time there and hurt many, many people. Breathe hired a mediator to deal with him and they even walked away saying that there "was something wrong with him". For all his talk about window and urban gardening, New Age Yanni-esque music, pretentious and bad poetry, Samarpan meditation and his gurus, nothing and none of the teachings seems to have been absorbed. The whole thing is an act.

Shame on you Bota Bota Spa. Shame on you Aldred Gym. Shame on you Ahimsa Yoga. Shame on you Yoga Bliss for encouraging this person. Shame on every last one of you who encourage this kind of behavior by looking the other way instead of confronting it because you're either too dazzled by his looks and charisma or too scared to say anything.

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This is an identical posting for 2 other establishments. Pissedconsumer should take it down because it has nothing to do with those businesses and their quality of consumer service

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