Dear PissedConsumer User:

Not everyone believes you should have the right to express yourself about the companies who take your hard-earned money for their products and services. Roca Labs certainly does not. Please read on to learn about the legal campaign Roca Labs is undertaking to punish consumers who complain about its products.

Roca Labs is doing whatever it can to identify former customers and others who have posted their comments here so it can take legal action against them to prevent them from expressing themselves and informing other consumers about their experiences. PissedConsumer is fighting the actions of Roca Labs in the courts. Our attorneys have filed papers in two different states demonstrating that the law prohibits these actions by Roca Labs. But Roca Labs is not waiting for a ruling – it is suing customers to shut down their speech and, if possible, obtain “damages” to intimidate others from speaking. Roca Labs seems likely to continue to sue customers who speak out until a judge stops them.

We hope that happens soon, but it may take months to obtain a ruling. We cannot provide legal advice or representation to users, however. Therefore, you may wish to seek legal counsel if you have concerns about a review you have posted here. Your lawyer may contact us via

You should also review our takedown policy to inform yourself as to what measures you can take to voluntarily request the removal of your own PissedConsumer review, if you wish to do so.

PissedConsumer Team

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