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PissedConsumer Blog
Ethical Consumerism 101: Alternatives to Brands That Won’t Leave Russia
January 14, 2025
Brands like Mondelez, Mars, and PepsiCo still profit in Russia, fueling its economy. Take a stand with ethical consumerism. Discover shopping tips and alternatives to make informed choices that align with your values and promote global change.
How to Write a Review on PissedConsumer.com
October 23, 2024
Good review writing is not art. You do not have to be a perfect narrator to write a review and you can have your own reasons to publish your feedback. Mostly, people come to review websites when they were screwed up or cheated. Learn how to write a review on PissedConsumer.com with our step-by-step guide. Share your experiences, and help other consumers make informed decisions
Are Reviews on PissedConsumer Trustworthy?
October 22, 2024
Looking for a platform to vent your frustrations and connect with others? Plenty of review platforms allow you to share your experience and seek support. But can you trust reviews on PissedConsumer.com? See how the platform ensures honest, reliable feedback from users.
Why You Can Trust PissedConsumer.com
October 2, 2024
Trust is essential. It’s a fundamental part of communication and relationship which, if breached, can lead to upheaval and chaos in our society. Once the trust is lost, there’s almost no way to gain it back. The Internet is no exception. As a review website, we believe it is worth all the effort to build a credible and unbiased platform. We are determined to build communication bridges between consumers and brands.
How to Remove Reviews from PissedConsumer – Is It Possible?
September 30, 2024
Need to delete a review on PissedConsumer? This guide covers the steps for both consumers and businesses, offering clear instructions on how to remove, report, or handle reviews to maintain a positive online reputation.
Is PissedConsumer Legit? Everything You Need to Know about Review Website
September 23, 2024
Curious if PissedConsumer is legit? Find the review platform's mission, how it supports consumer rights, and why it's a trusted source for sharing feedback. Learn how it builds communication bridges between consumers and businesses and helps companies enhance their brand reputation.
Drawing A Line: Consumers React To Companies That do Business in Countries With Poor Human Rights Records
September 19, 2024
Consumers are increasingly making purchase decisions based on ethics, not just price or quality. Learn how awareness of human rights violations impacts buying behavior, according to a PissedConsumer survey on business practices in countries with poor human rights records.
Strategies for Addressing Negative Reviews and Feedback
June 3, 2024
Negative reviews can impact your business, but with the right strategies, they can provide valuable insights for improvement. Discover how to handle criticism timely and effectively to maintain a positive brand image.
Americans’ Attitudes Towards Brands Operating in Russia Are Hardening as the War Continues
February 22, 2024
Discover how American consumer sentiment has shifted amid Russia's invasion, with 86.3% expressing disapproval towards companies continuing operations in the country. Explore the changing attitudes, the impact of the ongoing invasion, and the scrutiny prominent brands may face.
How Consumers Can Stop Companies From Doing Business in Russia
February 16, 2024
Discover the power consumers hold in influencing corporate decisions regarding business operations in the Russian market. Find tips on how to stop sponsoring the war in Ukraine and learn about potential consequences for companies and how consumers can drive change.
Companies Should Leave Russian Market: Interview with Yale Professor Sonnenfeld
February 5, 2024
Delve into the critical insights as Yale professor Sonnenfeld explains why companies should leave the Russian market. Explore ethical, financial, and geopolitical factors related to this decision. Learn more about the Yale CELI list, its history, and features.
Ethics in Surveillance: Dahua and Hikvision’s Contribution to Modern Warfare and Data Insecurity
September 1, 2023
Dahua and Hikvision dominate the global surveillance market. Yet, their growth is shadowed by controversy. Doubts arise from security flaws, ties to the Chinese government, and the potential data misuse. Further, their products are suspected to be used in the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war.
Companies Still In Russia: What Are My Dollars Funding?
August 18, 2023
Do you know where your money is going when you buy from companies still operating in Russia? Learn about such companies and their activities. Discover how consumers can make educated choices that reflect their values and can stop brands from funding Russia.
Food Manufacturers Lag Behind in Their Commitment to Halt Business in Russia
August 11, 2023
Would you buy from a brand that supports war? What is more important: reputation or profit? Learn what consumers think and which food manufacturers continue to feed the Russian economy and help finance the war through taxes. Discover reasons why companies won’t leave the Russian market.
Why Community Involvement Is Important For Business
July 4, 2023
Discover the importance of business community programs and social responsibility. Learn how community involvement enhances business brand awareness, customer loyalty, and boosts company’s visibility. Find out what benefits community participation has and what customers care about.
The Truth About Ukraine Should Be Known
June 8, 2023
On February 24, Ukrainians awoke to their country being bombed and invaded. They fled their homes and sought shelter from the most vicious European conflict since World War II. Ukraine is a sovereign nation that chose democracy after freeing itself from the former Soviet Union’s 70-year domination. Putin wishes to re-absorb all or part of Ukraine. Ukrainians want to remain free and in a state of self-determination. Why does PissedConsumer.com Care about Ukraine?
How Companies Refusal to Halt Business in Russia Hurts Ukraine
March 24, 2022
Despite the Russia-Ukraine war, many world brands continue to conduct business in Russia. US consumers have voiced multiple complaints about international brands that have yet to pull out of Russian markets. A growing number of online reviews left by regular consumers on PissedConsumer.com express concern at this ‘hall of shame’ and urge for taking action.
INFLATION: The Tax You Didn’t Know You Were Paying
October 28, 2021
Most people think of inflation as just the price of goods and services going higher, but that is just a symptom of the larger disease. How can you possibly save enough of today’s dollars to pay for tomorrow’s inflation? Should we all take a lesson from central banks around the world and consider holding precious metals?
Don’t Buy an RV Without Expert Advice
August 27, 2021
Buying an RV is actually a cost-savings measure when it comes to travel, saving you and your family on lodging and dining expenses. But before you make this investment, you want to be sure you are protected. Here are some ways to help you.
Consumer Videos on PissedConsumer: Sharing the Customer Voice
August 9, 2021
The relationship between companies and consumers is a special thing. If a company makes a mistake or disappoints you, the customer, the relationship is terminated almost immediately. And when you are unhappy, that dissatisfaction can spread quite a bit – frustrated customers aren’t typically quiet about their displeasure. Video interviews are proof of that!
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