Big Bucks Auto
Big Bucks Auto Overview
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Big Bucks Auto has 1.0 star rating based on 1 customer review. Consumers are mostly dissatisfied.
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They lie and waste your time................
This happened in 2012 - I spoke with Big Bucks Auto over the phone about my car. I described the car in full detail and answered their questions.
The Car: a 2004 Porsche 911 Carrera Cabriolet with 11,400 miles. The car was only 8 years old. I paid $93,000 They gave me a low and high end quote based on what we discussed. The low end was $38,000 too low but the high number $42,000 would work.
They assured me that we would get a deal done. I drove over and they looked at my car. The owner approached me and said "Amazing Car" even better than what I had described over the phone to them. He then asked me, "Did you ever drive this thing because there are no road debris anywhere".
I responded yes, I drove it 11,400 miles and he laughed. He said come inside and lets get a deal done. FYI, the car was fully serviced, waxed and prepped for resale. I owned it out right making for an easy transaction.
There was nothing that they would have to do to prep it for sale. They made a few calls and then told me that they were prepared to pay me $25,000. I was shocked. I had a show room perfect car, not a single nick, ding or scratch.
The number they offered was $13,000 lower then the lowest quote they mentioned. I was furious and wanted to know why they would waste my time with such non-sense. They responded with: Your car is worth what we originally quoted and we did not lie to you sir. The problem is that your car is a luxury item and that the economy is weak and luxury items are hard to move along.
We could write a check for the $25,000 right now and get you a cab to the train to get you home. I'm still in shock!!!!!!!! This is preposterous!!!!!!!!!! Were they joking??
Nope they were 100% serious. Gee, I guess if they were buying a $1,000,000 home they would offer $300,000 and expect to close a deal. What *** Bags to waste people's time this way. Unfortunately this posting is the only way to alert people to their unethical business practices.
I drove my car over to my local Porsche dealer. they wrote me a check on the spot for $43,000.
These bastards would have cheated me out of $18,000!!!!!!! My Reply: I hope you guys go out of business!!!!!!
Bounced Buck$ Auto
I needed to sell my car to free up some money for an upcoming move. I first tried to sell my car privately. But with the date of my move coming up quick and the car still unsold, I decided it would be best to sell it to a "cash for cars" service. After doing some research online, I found Big Buck$ Auto. I called them and spoke with Ann, who asked me some basic questions about my car (year, mileage, original owner, etc). She was very professional on the phone and we made an appointment for me to bring the car in for them to evaluate it.
Before my appointment, my friend & I read as much as we could find about Big Buck$ Auto. It seemed to be an established and reputable company. The owner, Buddy Evans, appeared in company videos and was quoted in various articles. The company had no complaints with the Better Business Bureau. Online customer reviews were mixed, but the negative reviews were from people who were offered less than they believed their car was worth. Those reviews didn't concern me. I knew I was dealing with a wholesaler who would pay a little less than I might get in a private sale. But I didn't have time to wait for the perfect buyer to show up on my doorstep. I knew that if I sold to Big Bucks Auto, I'd instantly have enough money to pay for my move.
On the day of my appointment, Buddy and his trainee Carlos met me at the car. They looked over the vehicle, made sure everything was in good shape, and verified some information. Then we headed to their office. Buddy made me an offer for the car, which I accepted. No hassle. He and Ann then led me through all the paperwork. They were both very friendly and professional and made the process easy. I started to cry a little when I was about to sign over the title, and Buddy even consoled me. The whole appointment lasted around an hour. Ann told me that my check would clear within 48 hours and to call her if there were any problems. I thanked them for being so pleasant to deal with. Buddy told me that he'd pay me $200 for any referrals I sent to them. At that point, I felt very likely to refer Big Bucks Auto to friends & family. Up to that point, it had been a 5-star experience.
I continued planning my move while waiting for the funds to clear. Three days after the sale, my bank informed me that there was a problem with the check. There was a hold placed on the funds. They asked me to get in touch with the person who issued the check and to put the branch manager at their bank in touch with my bank to release the hold. At this point, I believed it was just the bank doing due diligence since it was a large check. Just verification, for everyone's protection. Nothing to be concerned about. I called Ann and explained what was going on. Almost instantly, her whole tone changed from the pleasant and professional person I had dealt with just days before. She became very defensive, asking why the bank needed this information and saying repeatedly that this never happened before. I calmly explained that this was just bank procedure. She said she'd contact Buddy but seemed reluctant. Eventually my bank was able to get on the phone with Buddy. He was also defensive and argumentative with my bank. But he did ultimately provide my bank with the contact for his bank's branch manager. I was getting concerned at this point, but believed it would get sorted out once the banks talked to each other.
The next day, my bank informed me that the check was being returned. Big Bucks Auto had written me a bad check. It had bounced and could not be deposited. My world went black in that moment. I now had no car, no money, and now potentially no home. I was beside myself. I replayed everything in my mind. Clearly I had made a mistake by accepting their business check, rather than insisting on a certified bank check. But what kind of a sales business writes bad checks? I called Ann, who claimed that the check had been paid out by their bank, even though I had evidence that this wasn't true. I asked to speak with Buddy, but she said he was sick and couldn't take my call. I feared I had been scammed. It was a very dark day. My kids saw that state I was in and were worried about me.
After talking with friends & family (including those in law enforcement), I decided it was unlikely that I had been scammed. Big Bucks Auto had been in business for years, and the owner was who he said he was. Still, it didn't make sense. If they were legitimate, why did they get so defensive with me & my bank? At no point did they offer an explanation of what happened, or an apology. Had they written the check from the wrong account? Were they waiting on a deposit from someone else to clear before they'd have funds available for me? I am a very understanding person. We all go through things, or have slow months. Sometimes we all get behind on bills. But as I said to them repeatedly on the phone: I did not give them my car. I sold it to them. And I expected them to uphold their part of the deal.
On the following Monday, I called Ann and Buddy again and demanded that Big Bucks Auto either fulfill the contract by giving me my cash, or void the contract & give me back my car & title. I informed them that I was on the way to their office, accompanied by a sheriff, and expected them to have my money ready by the time we arrived. Finally the message got through! Before we arrived at the office, Buddy got back on the phone with my bank and wired me the full amount that was owed to me. One week after I had brought my car in, the payment was in my bank account at last. I could breathe again.
I am a nice person and wish no harm to anybody or their business. But after my experience, I cannot recommend Big Bucks Auto. Yes, I eventually got all my money, but not without a lot of trouble and unnecessary heartache. If you do decide to sell your car to Big Bucks Auto, I strongly suggest that you go to the bank with them and insist on a bank certified check. Or insist on a wire and don't leave their office until the funds show in your account.
Big Bucks Auto - Is A Joke!!!!! June 30, 2012
I truly wish my experience had been better. I delt with Ron and his manager.
I received my instant quote via email and the high number, while still well below what my car is worth, was something I would accept. My car is in showroom condition and they assured me they would pay the high end for the car and not waste my time. They looked at the car and were blown away by its condition but I suspected something may be wrong when they commented that they hoped they could get me my money. I told them, just hit the quote and we are good to go.
Well, after waiting for an hour and having my time wasted they low balled me by $3,000.00 and said that they just could not pay me what we had discussed on the phone even though they agreed the car was worth it. These guys are a small outfit and frankly are bush league.
Do not waste your time going to see them unless you are desperate for money and wish to give your car away for far less then it is worth. These guys have really wasted my time and have no regard for telling the truth!
Big scam auto not big bucks
I went to show them my car. My car had 2 prior accidents and he reviewed all those reports with me and said they will pay 6000 dollars.
So I just told them I appreciate their offer but I had an offer for 6800 so I will take that and I started getting out of the office. The sales guy asked me to wait, went and talked to his boss and came back and said he will give me 7000. I said fine I will take that. Asked me if I have the title with me and I said no but can come with it the next day.
I asked him if he was sure about his offer as I will have to let the other deal go and he said he is. I went home, brought the car 2 days later with the title, by when my other deal was already gone. Now it was time for them to give me the check so they send me to other guy who does that. He went through all of it again and said he will just give me 6000 dollars and I said that I was told that I will get 7000 and thats the reason I let my other deal go and the response i got was "well the guy who gave you the 7000 price does not write the checks".
This was his comment about the person working in their own firm and this was the level of responsibility. My friend had warned me before also that this firm is known for their bait and switch technique and he was absolutely right. As soon as on my first visit they saw that I had a second offer but didnt have the title on me they offered me more money, probably knowing that they will buy time and sabotage the deal that I had in my hand hoping that next day when i come back i will be pushed in a corner to take their offer.
Big Bucks Auto - Bait & Switch Quote
After getting a reasonable quote via email and bringing my car in (and them telling me it is in "great" condition), the greasy looking orange *** from the commercial quoted me $1,000 less than the low end of the online quote.
I told him to eat a dcik and walked out.
I guess they are just waiting for people that are pressed to sell.
The woman's name who gave me the email quote was Ann. I bet she hates her life. I would. Everyone that works there knows they are working for a scam. Good luck sleeping at night losers.
Big Bucks Auto - Completely disingenuous teaser estimates
My experience from yesterday.
I had fairly rated my car as 'fair' - the definition being 'has some body damage' - as the bumper was dented. The estimate I received from Big Bucks Auto was $9,0000 - $11,000.
When I got there, I was offered $7000, tops. After questioning the estimate sent in email I was given the typical 'we're really sorry that you were offended by our offer, but that is all that it is worth at current market rates after looking at the vehicle'. They didn't address the fact that the quote received was in response to a rating already lowered to acknowledge the fact the car has some body damage.
I left, and an hour later sold my car for $13,000 at a place in Copiague.
Big Buck's Doesn't Pay Top Dollar
Big Buck's commercials air incessantly day and night throughout the tri state area. In those commercials they claim to pay you top dollar for your leased or financed vehicle. To some, they represent a beacon of hope to those that find themselves upside down on car payments and juggling bills to make ends meet. Easier than eBay, easier than craigslist, offering a less embarrassing alternative than running back to the dealer with your tail between your legs and your chin down. Big Buck's Auto preys on the weak and overstretched.
I too was one of the weak and overstretched. Choking on an exorbitant monthly finance bill for my vehicle, I too sought refuge in what Big Buck's was promising. "Top dollar cash" for my financed vehicle. I had high hopes. After all, the vehicle wasn't even a year old, it was in mint condition, and I had barely driven it anywhere. For all intents and purposes it was brand new. I followed the recommendations on their website, put in all of the specs for my vehicle, and within an hour did receive an "instant quote." Looking at the swing of estimates they provided, I was happy. Even at the lower end of the swing, I was still in good shape. So feeling confident in Big Buck's, my wife and I made the journey over to Queens to get "top dollar cash" for our vehicle.
As we pulled into the parking lot, I soon had a sinking feeling in my stomach. This place was not what I envisioned. Dirty, sparse, and from what I could tell, run by a gaggle of t-shirt clad twenty-somethings who all were busy on their respective computers more than likely updating their Facebook status. I took a deep breath. OK, I will give them the benefit of the doubt. Shortly after walking in, a member of the gaggle came to side and asked if he could be of service. I outlined that I was interested in selling my vehicle and we sat down. He scribbled down some numbers I gave him, asked why I was selling the vehicle (I was honest), and left me to take a quick walk around the vehicle. Not more than 30 seconds later he had returned and was subsequently distracted by a conversation with the gaggle around "what to order for lunch". Shortly thereafter he returned and sat down. Please note, at no point in time in between returning from my vehicle and figuring out what would cure his hunger did he EVER look at a computer. He then said something that shocked me. "The best that I could do is the low 30's." I scratched my head and suggested that was interesting because the "instant quote" I had gotten for my mint, brand new, low mileage vehicle was more than 25% what this t-shirt clad twenty-something was now offering. He then said that the instant quota didn't matter and I then asked what the purpose of that exercise was…to which he said "to get you in the door." Realizing I had been had, I than made the decision that I had stayed far too long as is and made my way out of the same door I walked in.
There is a bright side to this story so don't be discouraged. However you will not find the bright side at Big Buck's. You'll have to travel a little farther west to W 55th Street and stop by Car Cash. The only place you should ever consider.
Big Bucks Auto = UN-professional Auto Liars
My husband and I needed to sell a car of ours to pay bills. We decided to check out a bunch of sites online. We found Big Bucks Auto. Called them up and got a "quote". We went to Big Bucks Auto with the high hopes of selling our SUV ASAP! (were we wrong...) When we got there the lying began...and didn't stop.
Our salesmen was Jose. We could tell right off the bat something was...off shall we say? Something about him and the place reminded us why USED CAR DEALERS have a certain reputation. Anyway...we told him of our situation. What seemed like less than a minute...Jose took a look at our car and told us a completely different number than what was "offered" to us over the phone. I can understand if someone told us 12000 - 1**** on the phone...and then came back and said you know the car's not in 'that' great of shape...yada...yada...yada, we'll give you 11500. Nope! He offered us 8500. We immediately stood up and walked toward the exit. He told us what would be the "least" we would take for it. At this point we were so offended, but we needed to sell our truck. So we sat down. (bad mistake) He went back and forth to his boss' office like 10 times. He kept coming back to us playing the "good cop", "bad cop" routine. I could see my husband's blood boiling. My husband warned me a few days earlier that a co-worker got jerked around in a similar fashion...I of course being the stubborn one, suggested we give them a try. (thinking that maybe this wasn't the typical protocol of how they treat a customer) I have never been so wrong in my life. I must have apologized to my husband 100 times over.
After a complete and utter waste of our time, we decided to check out a place in Manhattan, Car Cash. My husband told me he heard of them from when he used to listen to Howard Stern. To make a long story short...we got there and sold it within a half hour or so. I really don't want to spend time talking about the positives of Car Cash.
I can't express in the strongest terms how completely unprofessional and rude this "company" claims to be. Afterwards I did some research and read on their website that they have been in business for 3 generations. How is that possible? In all my years in Queens, I never heard about these guys until I did a GOOGLE search. I used to work near Big Bucks Auto and they were NEVER there 30 years ago, 20 years ago, 10 years ago or even 8 years ago.
In closing, don't waste your time or even the energy to think about this company. My husband and I will NEVER go to Big Bucks Auto and nor will we suggest them to anyone...no matter what! I've already suggested to a couple girlfriends of mine who have SUVs to sell them to Car Cash.
Hopefully, this helped someone...
Lori Salz
Big Bucks Auto
I was looking to sell my car... heard their commercial on the radio, and it sounded too good to be true...well it was.
Big Bucks Auto quoted me by e-mail $21,500 - $24,500 for my 2006 Lexus, depending on the condition of the car, all I had to do was bring the car in for an appraisal. This seemed great, as the blue book value of my car is $23,000 if privately resold.
Upon arriving in Queens, NY, Jose took my information and spent about five minutes looking at the car before coming back and offering me $18,000 (while trying his best to make it sound like he would be doing me a favor to take it at that price!). I couldn't believe it, classic bait & switch. Jose and his manager made it sound like there was no way I would get anywhere near what I was looking for, thier explanations were creative, and they managed to keep striaght faces, I'll give them that.
When it comes down to it, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Save your time, sell your car yourself.
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As an owner of a cash for cars company I can understand and relate with the above frustrations. In the car buying business, most companies will offer higher quotes over the phone to get the customer excited and drive their vehicle to their facility.
Unfortunately when the arrive the quote is usually off its mark and a much lower price is offered. With our company, we offer customers realistic quotes. Love us or hate us, this is what we can pay.
We do this because time is money and we don't want to waste the customers time. If you are looking to get a secondary quote you can visit us online at http://www.cashforcars.info or call toll free at 1-88*-***-****.