map-marker Henderson, Nevada


stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

Terrible real estate agent. Completely arrogant and dreadful woman who doesn’t care about the people she works with.

She will make sure EVERYONE knows she went to Yale yet her mental aptitude is near zero. This woman harasses people into submission and will take your money any chance she gets. Many reviews accurately depict her as a tyrant of a landlord who lies, cheats and steals.

Some have mentioned she even puts into her lease agreements that you can’t talk negatively about her online for 5 years after renting from her, that alone should be a huge red flag! Save yourself time, money and sanity -- DO NOT WORK WITH Beth Ellyn Rosenthal or her company eXp Realty, LLC.

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  • Her
  • Way she treats people
  • Lies
Reason of review:
Not as described/ advertised
map-marker Henderson, Nevada

Bully and Scam Artist

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

This lady is a bully and a scam artist. Don’t rent from her!

Do not fall for her ((hugs)), she is happy to steal from her tenants. No wonder her husband left her, she is a liar and a miserable person.

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1 comment
Tyee Mbm

I am Beth Ellen Rosenthal. I evicted this person.

It's my fault they didn't pay me. Just FYI.

map-marker Henderson, Nevada

Beth Ellen Rosenthal

Rosenthal is a negative! Don't believe ((hugs)) nonsense that she ends all her letters with.

This is a cold hearted money grubbing landlord who will steal your security deposit and make your life a living *** while you are in contract with her. She creates problems and drama where there does not have to be. She barged into the rental property unannounced. She expects tenant to pay for ordinary wear and tear.

She will bully you into thinking that you have no rights. However, you do. Take her to court, you will win.

But you are better off not to rent from this mentally unstable individual.

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Reason of review:
Poor customer service

So true! I had the same experience with her. She is a very sad individual.


I am Beth Ellyn Rosenthal. This tenant Anthony Robinson cost me $10000 in damages after I evicted him for nonpayment.

He left the water running in the house after he left to cause a flood. Of course he failed to mention that.

He also violated city ordinances which I enforced.

I am caring and respectful. But I have rules which I enforce.

People who maintain boundaries have haters. I am proud of that.


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map-marker Las Vegas, Nevada

Beth Ellen Rosenthal EXP Realty

We are renting a house from Beth Ellen Rosenthal who claims to be the best and most caring land lord in Las Vegas. Beth Ellen Rosenthal has scammed us to the point we feel like hostages in our own home.

When we first moved into she gave us a lease that was totally unclear as to her expectation of the property... We moved in with the notion that she would paint the house and replace things in the house like the blinds ect. Since then she has not done so and not held her part of the bargain or the contract. Every other week she serves us with this phoney eviction notice that she says comes from the Las Vegas Clark County Court. She scams money out of her tenants with the threats that if you don't pay it she will kick you out and evict you. She has scammed so much money from us it is ridiculous...I asked her was it the fact we were of different ethnic background and she claims it was not..

She actually came into our house one weekend unannounced and entered our room will me and my wife were sleeping after a long week of work... She told us she can come into our house when ever she feels ready to do so, it's her house...

My wife was actually naked and so was I. This is totally unacceptable...She violates people personal area that is paid for...Beth Ellen Rosethal is a psycho.

She works for EXP Reality and represents it proudly...She runs and extorts from her tenants like they are prisoners in a concentration camp...

Trust me if you rent from her you will be totally harassed everyday and will not be able to concentrate wandering what are you going to find next with her..

She email my wife and me everyday with threats. She promises this and promises that and never comes through with what she promises...

She also said that if we move or if she evicts us ( which she can do for any reason she feels ), We will not get back our deposit...

What is really crazy is we are totally complaint with what the rent and have not been late once... In fact we have been 5 days early...every month.

I have contacted the courts and they advised me to put the rent into escrow and do not release it until she complies with what her obligations are and promises....

Please if you can find another house to rent, I do not want another person to go through what we are going through... I will post this every other day to let the citizens of Las Vegas know about her...

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The stories on this site all demonstrate a pattern of behavior from Beth Ellyn. Run, do not walk, as fast you can away from her unless you like strange people letting themselves into your home.I rented a house from her.

Nice house, a few stains on the carpeting that she tried to charge us for later on. Thank the gods for timestamped digital pictures. She absolutely demanded that the water bill go to her, so she could monitor how much water we were using to care for the lawns and berate us if we didn't have at least a $100 water bill every month.She would also let herself into the house whenever we weren't home. I have video footage of her in the house and rummaging though our belongings.

When confronted with this, she claimed that Texas law applies in Nevada and it was her house anyway. She did this once when she mistakenly thought we weren't home.I also did many improvements *with her approval and at my expense* to the house, which she later tried to withhold my security deposit for, claiming that the changes were not authorized and were actually damages. Also tried to illegally raise my rent. When told no or confronted with actual facts contrary to whatever she thinks she can get away with, she usually turns fairly nasty.

Whenever this happened, she would wait until my wife was home alone and corner her.She dropped by while I was on a deployment and wasn't around to mow the back yard. She launched into my wife, then attempted to mow the lawn herself. All she managed to do was destroy the new grass I had planted and kill a sapling tree as she used the string trimmer to completely shave the bark off the lower part of the tree, which resulted in her verbally assaulting me when I got back and claims that I'm not taking care of the property.Back yard had a drainage problem.

That part of the yard could have been graded, but instead opted for a French drain which was never completed, leaving an open trench in the back yard for people to fall into.She also claims that she feeds Sevendust to her cats. Poor kitties.Ironic as her last words to me were "you're nothing but a bully".


Steer clear from this nut!!!!!

Rosenthal has zero regard for her tenants. I will not say how I know her, but I am not a tenant and she told me she felt "all tenants are ***." This a an individual with a very bad core. Stay away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thank you so much for the insight about this person. We were planning on possibly renting from her, as she is advertising a rental home in Las Vegas.

We will definitely not rent from her now. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you all.


BETH Ellyn again. My monetary loss was $5,313.

You should see how they left my house. Trashed.

((hugs)) from Vegas's most caring landlord


This is BETH Ellyn. Tenants always get pissed when I evict them.

As one comment says, take me to court and let a judge decide. I am Vegas's most caring landlord...until you don't pay me.

By the way, this tenant complained to the Nevada Real Estate Division which then conducted a thorough investigation.

No findings!


P.S. Notice they don't even know how to spell my name.


Dear Citizens of Las Vegas, Ive met the worst people possible in my travels through this life. Ms.

Rosenthal, tops that list. She lies, she double deals, she uses peoples. She knows that most people are ignorant when it comes to real estate law, so she breaks those laws to intimidate tenants and property owners alike. Ms.

Rosenthal, has figured out that in this country there are a lot of us who are just too busy putting food on the table, driving kids to school, or just want to be rid of her negative manner of doing business. Doing business with Ms. Rosenthal is like catching a STD, all you want to do is get rid of it.

Run fellow citizens, crawl, take a bus, move back home with Mom, but don't trust her.


I to have had financial dealings with Beth Ellyn. In my personal experience with Beth Ellyn, I found her to be someone that I most definitely could NOT trust. I won't into further detail, except to say that if you are dealing with Beth Ellyn on any sort of financial transaction, I advise you to cover all of your legal basis and get EVERYTHING in writing...have an attorney look it over before you sign.


It's obvious these claims are not true. If so, that would be an easy, slam dunk court case for the tenant with all the proof they claim to have.... I call BS!

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-742433

Given my own experience with Beth Ellyn, I have no difficulty believing this story.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-763105

I have had similar experiences with Beth. She pretends to be “caring” then harasses and tries to scam you into paying for things she is legally required to pay for as the landlord.

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Colby Hager

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