Berkshire Hathaway Homeservices Fox And Roach Realtors
Prudential, Fox & Roach, Malvern, PA: Dishonest, Ruthless, Arrogant & Twisted!
Yo, people: Don't deal with Pru-Fox "Sales Professionals." I dealt with two from the Margate, NJ office-- Mark Arbeit and Lou Solomon-- and regret it to this day. These two realtors teamed up with a doughy *** mortgage broker to stick me with the mortgage broker's house over a leaking underground oil tank. After closing, these three "Real Estate Professionals" boasted around town about how slick and smart they were, and about how *** I was. OK. I'm ***. But I'm not so *** as to keep my mouth shut about these thieves.
You want ***? How *** is this Arbeit to think he could blow into town and keep under wraps forever stories about him and little schoolboys reported in The Washington Post archives for June 20, 25 and 26, 1987? His Pru-Fox colleagues say his past proves he's some Roman Polanski-type artiste; I say it proves he's one twisted dude who never should have been granted an NJ realtor's license. I also advise you to stay far away from him. Doesn't Pru-Fox do anything to vet its realtors??
How 'bout Solomon? This guy knew my wife's surfer dude sons for 15+ years. Yet he still stuck it to me and her with a vengeance. Everything about the guy is bogus: Smile, expertise, tan, surfing. Among other things, he puts in MLS descriptions for his listings information he later laughingly admits is false, he represents convicted criminals, he lets prospective buyers know his sellers' bottom lines; and he sports a gnarly, year-'round tan. He's disgusting. He has the looks and ethics of a real reptile.
These realtors' mortgage broker buddy? He's an Atlantic City "high roller," who also happens to be the "go to guy" for all the compulsive gamblers in the mortgage rackets at the shore. He fancies himself a ladies' man and tried to arrange over the internet a "hook-up" between him and someone he thought was a 14-year old child in Florida. Whoopsie!!! The 14-year old child turned out actually to be a 54-year old sheriff's deputy. This self-proclaimed "real man of genius" fell for that? And he and his pals call me ***?
I could go on about these three, but I think you get the idea. Do you really want to become tangled up with dishonest, ruthless, arrogant and twisted scoundrels like these guys? If not, then don't deal with Pru-Fox!
Prudential, Fox & Roach, Philadelphia, PA: Oily as They Come!!!
Yo, folks: Don't deal with any "Sales Professionals" from Pru-Fox. I dealt with two from Pru-Fox's Margate, NJ office-- Mark Arbeit and Lou Solomon-- and regret it to this day. These two gentlemen teamed up with a doughy *** mortgage broker to stick me the broker's house over a leaking underground oil tank. The three of them yukked it up and high-fived it after closing over a few "Nancy Boy" drinks by the bay; I've heard that they point to me as proof they are so slick and so smart they can unload even a toxic waste dump.
OK. Do you want some REAL yuks? If so, then read in The Washington Post archives for June 20, 25 and 26, 1987 about how Mr. Arbeit was bounced from his position as an assistant elementary school principal at the Terraset School in Virginia. He refused to resign even after it came to light that he was convicted of offering a boy money to pose nude for him; he pulled a 180* and got out of town, though, once a raft of little boys came forward with tales of his absolutely bizarre phone calls with them in the middle of the night. Geeez! What's this guy's problem? And why does Pru-Fox give degenerates like him unrestricted access to your home and your sons' bedrooms? Pru-Fox obviously does NOTHING to vet its realtors.
How 'bout Solomon? The guy has the looks and morals of a real reptile. This guy knew my wife's surfer dude sons for 15 years and still stuck it to us! And hard! Imagine what he'll do to you! The POS is your typical Pru-Fox realtor: Represents convicted criminals; lets prospective buyers know his sellers' bottom lines; sports a gnarly, year-'round tan; and puts in MLS descriptions for his listings information he later laughs at you for actually believing. His Pru-Fox colleagues call him "Sweet Lou." Figures.
Oh, yeah-- what about these guys' dumpy mortgage broker buddy? This clown is a "Big Time" Atlantic City high-roller. He's the "go to guy" for all the chronic gamblers in the mortgage rackets at the shore. But he's really not so smart as he and all his Pru-Fox pals insist that he is. I mean, after all, he was busted in a "Catch a Predator"-type sting run by some sheriff out of Florida. He thought the person with whom he was going to do the "hook up" was a 14-year old girl; but the the person turned out to be a 54-year old deputy with a southern drawl. So, come on, how smart can the guy be? Man, I would have loved to see the look on this joker's face when he realized he was busted!
Look-- I could go on about al three of these "Real Estate Professionals," but I think you get the point. Do you really want to tangle up yourself with these types of scoundrels? If not, then stay away from Pru-Fox. The outfit is as oily as they come!!!!
Prudential, Fox & Roach, Ocean City, NJ: Steer Clear!!
Yo, folks: Steer clear of Prudential, Fox & Roach in Ocean City, NJ. I dealt with two Pru-Fox realtors from the nearby Margate, NJ office and regret it to this day. The two with whom I dealt are Mark Arbeit and Lou Solomon; these two "Sales Professionals" teamed up with a dumpy, convicted criminal mortgage broker to stick me with the broker's house over a leaking underground oil tank. The three of them had a good laugh at me after closing; my name's still a punch line among all the "Real Estate Professionals" in the area.
OK. You want a REALLY good laugh? Read in The Washington Post archives for June 20, 25 and 26, 1987 about how Mr. Arbeit was bounced from his position as an assistant principal at Terraset Elementary School in Virginia. Good grief! Offering a boy money to pose nude for him? Eerie phone calls with little boys in the middle of the night? What's this dude's problem? You'd think Pru-Fox would do something to vet its realtors, but the outfit obviously does not. Pru-Fox wants you just to give guys like this Arbeit the run of your place. Well, go ahead, if you want.
How 'bout Solomon? His Pru-Fox colleagues call him "Sweet Lou." I don't know why. He's your typical Pru-Fox realtor: Sports a gnarly, year-'round tan; represents convicted criminals; puts in MLS descriptions for his listings information he later laughingly admits is false; and lets prospective buyers know his sellers' bottom lines. Dude has the looks and morals of a real reptile. Deal with him at your peril.
What about these realtors' mortgage broker buddy? The guy fancies himself an Atlantic City "high roller" and was busted in a "Catch a Predator"-type sting run out of Florida by some sheriff. I would have paid good money to see the look on this joker's face when he learned that the 14-year old child with whom he planned to do the "hook up" was actually some big, 54-year old deputy with a southern drawl!
Listen-- I could go on, but I think you get the idea. Do you really want to get tangled up with scoundrels like these? If not, then steer clear of Pru-Fox!!!!
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Check it out: The very same BHHS/Fox & Roach "Sales Professionals" who savaged and viciously ridiculed me for daring to tell the truth about *** Arbeit are out there right now whispering their own dirty stories about him. These realtors obviously will pull a 180* on anyone at the drop of a hat.
. . . Moral of the story?
Don't deal with former OR current BHHS/Fox & Roach realtors! :zzz
Markattheshore v. BHHS/Pru-Fox down in Margate, NJ: The thieves in one dump could no longer abide those in the other!
HOOCOODANODE?????? . . .
Got popcorn? :p
They are POSs. Don't deal with them! :(
Lie and litigate; litigate and lie. .
. . Rinse and repeat. .
. Why deal with them?
Bunch a terd burglars-- all of them. :eek
"The Real Estate Tycoon/Waitress Brittani Federa." Google that and then tell me if these Pru-Fox realtors can get any sleazier. .
. .
Man! :sigh
You have to love all these Pru-Fox "Sales Professionals" dropping Warren Buffets name. .
. . He's more likely to "clean house" than to chat about the state of the market with any one of them. .
. .
Good. :grin
Hey! What happened to that press conference those Straubs from the Haverford office promised us????
. . . LOL!
"Doublin' down" in public.
Gotta love it. :grin
LOL!!! That Arbeit and his *** phone calls down in Margate, NJ.
Those "High End" Straubs and their dead varmints over in Haverford, PA. What will these wacky Pru-Fox "Sales Professionals" do next? . .
Real class acts, huh? :sigh
Oy! :x