map-marker Quebec, Quebec

Batshaw Youth And Family Centres - Leora Zunenshine Review from Quebec, Quebec

Batshaw family services there is a women there named leora zunenshine who is tottaly incompetent. She will make it impossible for you to see your child if you are not as religious a jew as she is.

Its insane. If you have her as your social worker asked to have her removed

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Reason of review:
Poor customer service
1 comment
Javen Cph

This is not accurate Ms. Zunenshine is an excellent worker.

I have noted in her a genuine concern for my family and she has demonstrated a very even handed approach to my families concerns. She clearly cares about my family even though I am secular and she is religious.

Keep up the good work ms. Zunenshine despite being a young social worker she seems to be excelling in her craft!

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