Bako Pathology Services
Micromanagement is simply mismanagement!
I read the reviews and still took the job because the now HR Director painted this beautiful picture of changes of transparency, team work and an "open door" policy, which I never saw the four months I was there. I immediately noticed how the office was divided/segregated from the beginning. Any concerns or suggestions brought up in department meetings were either ignored or totally disregarded as unimportant. Besides the cameras, there are "eyes" and "ears" or "babysitters" around taking in any and everything to report to the supervisor and management.
I was terminated for "unacceptable workplace conduct" with no explanation as to the conduct they were implying (hearsay)...no verbal or written warning or a conversation saying that there was a problem with my conduct. A week prior to my termination, there was a meeting about an incident between myself and my supervisor, with the HR Director present. I notice the Director taking notes, but nothing was ever presented to me verbally or in writing if this meeting was a verbal warning nor was I written up. After listening to both sides, the Director said based on what we told her, the incident was a miscommunication on both parts. She actually apologized and stated that my supervisor and HR "dropped the ball" with my on-boarding process and planned on meeting with the other new hires and myself to sit down with us and review our on-boarding process and ask us how they could improve this process for future on-boarding procedures. That was a Friday, by the following Thursday I was terminated. My intention before I was terminated was to have a department meeting with supervisor and HR director to present our collective concerns, but that opportunity was quickly taken away from me. SO MUCH FOR TRANSPARENCY!!!
I sincerely believe that the owner is very generous and has a great vision for Bako, but he has a lot of people running his business that do not genuinely share the same vision he has for the company. They are intimidated by talented employees and instead of embracing and implementing these talents for the greater good of the company, they get rid of them. If I have learned nothing else in life, I have learned that you CANNOT avoid problems and that the only way to get past them is to face them head-on.
I had a similar experience. I saw some pretty odd comings and goings when I was employed.
I asked for a day to go pick my sick sister up from the hospital and was looked at as if I had murdered someone! I was only happy when I gave notice and moved on. I now work in upper management in a lab auditing firm. It's funny because I am now in a position to audit places like Bako.
I didn't know I was so unhappy until I actually made a move to leave. No hard feelings to the company, just an opinion.
Documented violator of civil and human rights
Pay is good, but that is all. I gave 2 weeks notice and this greatest thing I could have ever done.
It IS a sweatshop.s You are forced to do things you would never have to put up with at other laboratories. I worked here a year and I have documented evidence of all the things spoken of in these reviews. Please do not get a job here unless you are desperate and only need a job for a moment. I was told by several people (and lawyers) that these documented issues I have are civil and human right violations.
This cannot be covered up.
I am spreading the word. My wife has even taken it upon herself to tell all job recruiters to not promote this company.
Bako Pathology Services
Nightmare of a company. I worked there, and finally couldnt take it anymore. The work ethic of the owner, supervisor(s) are questionable at best. The company is painfully understaffed, and they expect you to work at least 10-11 hours per day. If you leave at the end of your 8 hour shift, you'd better expect to be bitched at the next morning.
There are "More cheifs than indians" at bako pathology, and those "chiefs" refuse to help carry the workload. They prefer to spend their day conversing back and forth, composing 5-10 micromanaging e-mails per day, and talking about everyone else behind their backs. They also expect you to "Crank out" tons of specimen slides and reports, without making a single mistake. You can expect to be written up, suspended, or fired for this. (at the very least to be gossiped about behind your back)
The SMELL of this place is disgusting. The micro biology lab is diectly beside the room where we are forced to eat, and it smells constantly of rotting flesh. Several employees have claimed to have fallen ill from ingesting the bacteria. I am told that this is a direct violation of work laws.
I still keep in contact with several employees there, and i am told that the situation has gotten worse. I just wanted everyone to know that you shouldnt send your specimen to this place. If they treat their employees this bad, do you think they value clients????
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Lol. "Terminated for unacceptable behavior", but they are "Intimidated by talented employees".
Yeah I'm sure they just thought you were going to steal their jobs so they canned you.
Maybe you just sucked at the job or were a nightmare employee so you were dismissed. Funny post though thanks.