Birendra S Oaa

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Checke a insurance certificate

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Assurity Life Insurance Company - Checke a insurance certificate

I am birendra Singh from Kuwait I have a fund deposit in federal resarve bank Washington DC I got a mail from federal resarve bank Washington DC today morning they send me a insurance certificate but I see they use old certificate from yoyr company they take from me $4,650.00 for insurance certificate issue from clearance house but they send me old insurance certificate from your company I want check this certificate and panushment use your company editing copy can you give me your company mail I'd so I send you this editing copy

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david b Bcv

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Policy termination during the long covid timeframe in Pennsylvania

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Assurity Life Insurance Company - Policy termination during the long covid timeframe in...
Assurity Life Insurance Company - Policy termination during the long covid... - Image 2
Assurity Life Insurance Company - Policy termination during the long covid... - Image 3
Updated by user Oct 14, 2021

After a reasonable delay to give Assurity time to rethink their position AND give others time to apply some pressure ---- this ex-policy holder re-applied as requested by Assurity's rules. Expecting higher premiums, in spite of Assurity's statement "not all terminations and reinstatements end with higher premiums", i was surprised to receive their reply.

"Your history of heart palpations and your use of prescription drugs places you in a category of high risk and Assurity cannot accept your re-instatement. " No mention of return of premiums. [One of my scripts is older than the policy itself, in fact it made the policy $200 more expensive per year for its appearance in my history.] Now it contributes to my highrisk dismissal. My response to this would be, had they asked for one : "my scripts end my heart palpations and insure my long and claim-free life.

No such heart trouble will ever create a claim, while i continue to remain pro-active and pursue professional medical advice. Only the uncaring individual would not pursue a cardiologist's suggested action and not taking a scripted drug and go untreated until such inaction finally produced heart troubles ending in a claim for heart attack or stroke or both. The untenable position that using a cheap, common low-dose drug is creating a high-risk individual is just further proof that Assurity is using excuses to clean their spreadsheets of unwanted clients after years of premiums have been paid, while preventing any such "highrisk" person from ever creating conditions for a payout. They should be required to return all premiums with interest, OR be required to keep policies active when clients wish to remain enrolled.

I'm seeking legal assistance to make this company clean up their act and behave responsibly. I need an advocate on my side to help with this. I have now lost either: 1.) all years of $1560 premiums per year OR 2.) from One to Four payouts as claims should i ever get cancer or demensia or another of their critical illnesses for this Critical Illness Policy. Terminated for 7 days late payment in covid times, and not reinstated for using a heart calming drug instead of a short surgery to fix a minor palpatation, i am simultaneously being punished by my insurer and congratulated by my cardiologist for being a model patient and maintaining good health by taking his advice for 6 years.

He waves my "normal " EKG in the air and calls my insurer an unrepeatable name for their behavior in 2020. "Do you prefer to be Healthy on your sailboat this season (and all seasons) or in possession of a $50,000 claim, in a hospital bed with an end of life critical illness.?" Sue them for reinstatement or a return of your premiums and celebrate your good health. I'm spending $0.29 per day for a healthy heart for the rest of my long life.

Someone please guide me to help make Assurity Life, Inc. behave properly and not just make themselves rich by sweeping some of the 'high-risk insured' out of their 'family' of premium paying clients.

Original review Sep 01, 2021
60 days grace period was provided to policyholders.
State mandated covid precautions in excess of 90 days.
This policyholder was personally affected 67 days.
Company policy is stated as 'we wish to prevent loss of coverage to our constituents during these difficult times.'
Payment sent on time went mistakenly to another wrong policy.
Late notice [and notice of duplicate payment] received on day 67.
Immediate corrective efforts were declined by Assurity.
Actual, accurate payment sent was returned by the company.
Statement as to the reason. "Policy terminated."
Only official recourse offered is a re-application process demanding complete health history, suggesting a new policy [written to a known client,] but one now 7 years older, asking medical questions aimed at establishing new risk factors to establish new premiums to continue previous [and now diminished] health coverage for more and higher premiums.
This client feels that covid conditions are being used to sweep clean policies not desirable to Assurity, while simultaneously boasting, for PR reasons, that they are taking all measures necessary to keep constituents insured.
Seven years of my premiums are kept by Assurity with company behavior like this.


Higher premiums going forward can be justified with updated health data now required to reinstate a terminated policy. Monies gotten from those clients whose payments were late in covid times is kept by Assurity with no contractual obligation to ever pay any future claim..
Seven days late, beyond meager extention to late payment cut-off dates
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  • When the claim is for a covered illness it pays cash
  • Fact that it pays after a claim
  • Reminder system of a forgotten payment is by surface mail
  • If the premium is ever forgotten all previous premiums are lost
  • Like russian roulette one mistake late in life is very costly

Preferred solution: Deliver product or service ordered

User's recommendation: As your coverage years accumulate be exponentially cautious concerning payment dates. One mistake one day can remove many years of history of timely payments and reduce all future benefits to zero. Resulting in the loss of every previous premium payment. .

david b Bcv

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Covid-19 delayed my premium payment 13 days beyond graceperiod. Policy terminated

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Assurity Life Insurance Company - Covid-19 delayed my premium payment 13 days beyond...
Assurity Life Insurance Company - Covid-19 delayed my premium payment 13 days... - Image 2
Updated by user May 09, 2021

I sent a personal letter of explanation as to how covid resulted in a forgotten payment after a company rep. suggested doing so..

I Explained that two payments to another insurer went out instead of one to each. The other insurer returned the dual payment, but surface mail [being turned off for the out-of-state trip - for covid] hid both errors in payments.One month later I added a graph with a chart showing their 60 day grace-period for covid [illustrating how short and hidden it is] among the long duration of covid interruptions to my state's businesses and to my personal life both within and in-exile from my home state.. I have sent the expected payment, not by any means allowable on the web page of the company, but by a separate means altogether. No response, no change of policy status, nothing from the company about reinstatement.

I am a forgotten client, not worthy of a response, after a seven year history of premium payments and no claims. This for having missed a surface mail notice of non payment.

Virus vaccinations were available [for my age group] 9 days later than Assurity's 60-day extension for payments permits. It is as if the company is using any small technical mistake to release clients from coverage [thus keeping all previous premiums [in my case $12,500] and doing so while simultaneously boasting that their generous covid-relief measures are saving clients from losing benefits for non-payment of premiums.

Original review Apr 09, 2021
My insurance company Assurity terminated my critical illness policy for non payment of an annual premium while i was isolating for covid. Their reinstatement policy proceedure which reevaluates my risk potential and adjusts the premium for the remaining years will make my policy impractical to continue.

This in spite of their "covid extention statement which so generously states that : "We are here to help you" . . .
"our policyowners face challenges due to COVID-19. Assurity is working to revise practices to the extent possible to help policyowners keep policies from cancelling for non-payment of premiums.
We want to work with policyowners where possible to keep coverage in place, so please reach out to us regarding your specific circumstance at 800-869-****."
I have done so.

with phone answered by agent Dillon. I want the chance to state the specific circumstance: namely: "This insured has been self-isolating away from home in a very much more secure place, in excess of 60 days, until a vaccine reached availability for his group. But it was in a place away from SurfaceMail, and this has caused an instance of undeliverable mail -- resulting in an overlooked payment of $1562.50 . Thus the insured was late 13 days in excess of the currently permissible number of days for CoVid reasons..
Altogether, I had voicemail, email, phone service, zoom calls, and text, but no surface mail.

Dec 21 to April 2. Assurity notified me with surface mail post marked March 26th which i received april 6 with a post Easter trip [at agent Dillon's request] to receive the turned-off and held mail. This argument is the key to allowing a late payment for a terminated policy.The lack of receipt [covid reasons] of the letter of termination] should not be permitted to trigger this termination
Dillon [the agent at x4279] states very clearly to me " the re-instatement form is necessary to re assess the policy fee and re-instate the policy. " i have put in 8 x $1562.50 or 12 thousand 500 dollars in eight years.

of this policy without claims. I can continue this, permanently, but cannot do more. Reapplying will surely kill this policy. Giving Assurity a windfall amount with no payouts required, ever.

They are using "policy owners face challenges" to generate this win for themselves - if they deny every avenue for sending in a payment. I hope i can find an advocate who can agree and will take this "specific circumstance" case to company executives -- for a manual look at the circumstances as opposed to a re-instatement form that alters my premiums. I risk the $12500 loss [paid to date] if the company is allowed to raise the policy premiums for covid reasons
An advocate, [when the arguments are made for a manual exception by way of an executive decision] would make all the difference.

All i ask is acceptance of the $1562.50 [[orig]] premium, if they wish to acknowledge that policyowners face challenges due to COVID-19. If Assurity is serious about working to revise practices and intent upon helping policyowners keep policies from cancelling [for non-payment of premiums] then my premium should be acceptable, even tho it is 13 days late .
Where can i go for help?
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  • Fact that it pays after a claim
  • When the claim is for a covered illness it pays cash
  • It accepts credit card payments annually for the premium
  • 60 day covid relief program for 99day covid isolation necessity
  • Like russian roulette one mistake late in life is very costly
  • If the premium is ever forgotten all previous premiums are lost

Preferred solution: Deliver product or service ordered

User's recommendation: Don't count on notices reaching you in time to act on them

1 comment

Why does a well delivered complaint from a verified reviewer for a high volume loss stemming from a single late piece of mail, (13days) in covid times, get no comments from company execs, advocates of insurance matters, other reviewers or the public? Seven back-years lost.

Unknown forward losses are immeasurable. Yet this is a legitimate forum aimed at making powerful changes in improving fairness and justice to all of us trapped in the 21st century full of such marvelous promise, yet replete with disease, famine, wars, climate extremes and human abuse?

Insurance Expert Talks

Exposed: Types of Insurance Scams and Fails

Exposed: Types of Insurance Scams and Fails

Mar 7, 2021

The insurance fraud: What is insurance fraud? What are the worst cases? How insurance fraud is discovered? How to protect yourself from an insurance scam? In this video, Charles R. Gallagher, an attorney, exposes the most common insurance fraud examples.

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Charles R. Gallagher, an attorney and managing partner with Gallagher & Associates. His practice focuses on insurance litigation, foreclosure defense and consumer law.

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