Emiko Lwg
map-marker Monroeville, Pennsylvania

Francis johns is a butcher

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Artisan Plastic Surgery - Francis johns is a butcher
Artisan Plastic Surgery - Francis johns is a butcher - Image 2

it is now my duty to warn everyone of the potential botched outcome if you decide to get any type of a procedure done by francis johns artisan plastic surgery. i went to him for a very small wrinkle and the method that he chose was to rip out all my orbital fat around my eyes (most doctors today add fat to make you look more youthful) and to remove way too much skin for i ended up with a cantoplexy that was not discussed before going under and he removed the lower eyelid muscle that holds the eye into place, it animates your face and without this muscle it makes you look like a freak of nature.

my advise to you would be to find another surgeon who knows what he is doing esp with your face. you can see his many lumps from his no lump fat transfer, 2nd pic a plastic surgeon drew on my pic saying is was missing the muscle

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  • Uncaring doctor
  • Unskilled doctor
Reason of review:
Bad quality
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i tried contacting this pissed customer asking to change one word butcher to charlatan. which they denied but instructed me to add a comment.

imho i believe my original description, but i would need to change it for it is a strong word. but charlatan would be the most correct word because johns THINKS he KNOWS everything. one of his comments was "i know more than an ocular surgeon" and "i NEVER had a lump with my fat grafting even removed one from another doctor which was HARD to do " well his technique of fat grafting is lines of little fat lumps everywhere like there was no thought on placement, lumps under the eyes that everyone but johns can see. seen 26 ocular surgeons and many facial and general plastic surgeons and showed them the before picture that johns office took of me , then my after pictures of the lumps, scars the missing orbicularis oculi roll that johns said he didnt touch, EVERY doctor was in complete SHOCK TO SEE HOW OVERLY AGGRESSIVE THIS MAN WAS TO DO WHAT HE DID TO ME.

dr toby mayers from beverly hills gave me the best advise saying "you are a walking advertising board, you can use this to tell others on your end results " that i am doing. so i am sorry that i used the term "butcher" but believe me thats how i feel, but to make a public rebuttal, francis johns is a charlatan.

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