Anderson Kent Auto Transport Services
Keltron Wife
The Real Mrs Hewitt is A Millionaire, an everyone involved in spending my PCH winning going to prison , because from Day 1 horse head been snooping on my phone I caught you with A web viewer you even had nerve enough to say oops to you caught me you even started stealing my mail the internet I will get my chance to tell the world how you group of 8 old selves have been bullying my kids an me I got proof you all will see soon stay tuned.Hell is this my net work anything with aon is mines you don’t have partnership in anything because y’all been stealing from me annhave the nerve to try an set me up for domestic violence even got family involved, but y’all went to the wrong side you guys will wish you stayed on my side to wait an let me share my blessing with you when your behind them bars bet...
BoneHead,An Green Hair Theft
You an your finance going to prison ,That’s my money y’all spending, but keep spending the FBI will be there to remove you from my home soon so you can do your walk of shame ,Your finance an you are stealing from his Wife an kids , boye your A *** of A Women with your Green hair . Your childish an ignorant tell everyone how you want stop recording me day an nite in my phone think your gonna be my babies step mother , get A life you stealing from me ,I don’t need anything from you ,except stay far away from me, funny how your finance done even claim you , funny how your spending all my money when finance haven’t shown 1 dollar of it dummy . Go Find Hod an please dye your hair back it doesn’t become you, try to stay off my phone for the rest of the day .
$1800 SCAM Anderson Kent Auto Transport Services
From the gate all I heard were lies, Anderson Kent Auto Transport Services said they own their own trucks. I booked with Anderson Kent Auto Transport Services, and my car never got picked up for weeks.
Every time I called it was one pathetic excuse after another. 3 weeks later I completely lost my patience and found an honest company instead and got my car picked up. Jordan Drew then banged my credit card for over $1800.00 for Amazon purchases to his business address in New York.
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