American Dental Assistants Association
AMerican Dental
I hate that place no one can call you back to schedule appt. I called 6 times was put on hold and told to call back after 30 min of holding on the line the *** hung up without hearing what i had to say.
You should fire her *** because everytime i call she does the same dam thing it takes 3 min to make a dam appointment if u cant do it dont work there ***. People like her should not work there its not fair to anyone to have to call 5-6 times for one appt and keep getting excuses.
My cpu is down, i have no internet, call tomorrow im going home now, no appts available til next year really!!!....I hate this place my son was there one time had appt at 1pm was seen at 3pm and i live a few blocks away got hom at almost 7pm. If i could i would switch but i have no choice but to stay with these ***..If anyone can avoid them do so.
One of millions who got poisoned with mercury
Dentists are doing the devils work! they will plug holes in your teeth using metals with +- %50 mercury (if you are on the budget), IT WILL POISON YOU or your loved one no matter how "safe" they tell you it is, do a research, when you start getting sick, NOT ONE LAWYER will take your case!
SAME IS WITH FLUORIDE, it lowers your IQ, it is a waste they don't know what to do with. HITLER EXPERIMENTED WITH THIS "TOOTH SAVER" in concentration camps. Don't believe the hype! look around your selves, how many sick people you see in one day!
reject the poison, tell your friend, and family, spread the word, American Dental Association is plainly poisoning millions of people!
Horrible customer services - American Dental Assistants Association
As a dental assistant who has been paying my member dues, I think I deserve better customer services than what I have received when I called them with questions about their online services! First, the receptionist was just rude, then when I called again, I got a woman who talked to me like I was wasting her time.
I am sure she knows more about internet than me, but is it necessary to explain things to me like I am an annoying kid?!
They were rude and treat their paying members as idiots! Doesn't my member due pay their salary?!
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