map-marker Amarillo, Texas

Recent news about our money

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

Read a story on internet that old and dirty money was going to be denied in some business. I have loose change we have found since Covid restrictions on us.

Walking around the neighborhood finding money. Wanted to cash it in for better money.

I have been given an ok to do this. Thanks

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User's recommendation: Bank here

Mckade Mik
map-marker Amarillo, Texas

Old or damaged money

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

We have been finding lost money since the Covid shutdowns. As we were walking around different neighborhoods.

We would like to exchange all this money. Is it possible?

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User's recommendation: None right now

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