map-marker Fort Smith, Arkansas

Lack of Service

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This is the 2nd time in about a 2 month span that they have stopped servicing our company. It took 1 1/2 weeks worth of phone calls daily to get them to do what we are paying them for.

This 2nd time we are on phone call number 4. We always get the same usual BS response "I'll get a ticket made for your address"...Hah, yeah right.

They aren't the only service in town. Why do we keep staying with them?

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User's recommendation: Look at other providers. Make this company a last option.

map-marker Greenwood, Arkansas

No pickup

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Our trash is usually picked up on Fridays, it was not. Called message said they would pick it up on Monday three days later.

No pickup called again told this time it would not be picked up until this coming Friday two weeks late.

I asked if we could get a week credit for no service I was told no. Only if I hauled the trash off myself and called back for a credit.

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User's recommendation: Check out other trash services for the area

Sherry N Jnr
map-marker Lon Norris, Arkansas

Resolved: My trash was never picked up last week.

Updated by user Oct 02, 2020

Company fixed the issue and I have been provided with apology.

Original review Oct 02, 2020

I called the company and a man told me he would pick up my trash the next day. He was a no show.

Ive been a customer for many, many years.

I dont want to Trash the company. I just hope they can get their issues resolved.

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Max S Uwx

This review is from a real person who provided valid contact information and hasn't been caught misusing, spamming or abusing our website. Check our FAQ

Verified Reviewer


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Altes Sanitation - Complaint
Altes Sanitation - Complaint - Image 2
Altes Sanitation - Complaint - Image 3

Our trash container was not completely emptied left on its side with trash all over the ground.

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  • Pickups every friday
  • Not picking up all trash
  • Leaving container with trash in it

Preferred solution: Let the company propose a solution

User's recommendation: Check for other trash service

Max S Uwx

This review is from a real person who provided valid contact information and hasn't been caught misusing, spamming or abusing our website. Check our FAQ

Verified Reviewer
| map-marker Lon Norris, Arkansas

Not completely emptying dumpster

Altes Sanitation - Not completely emptying dumpster

The last two Fridays they have not completely emptied our dumpster, left items inside with the dumpster on it's side instead of upright also with trash on the ground outside the dumpster. I called and complained last Friday and I called and complained this Friday, I sent pictures last Friday also.

I don't know if the crew has a personal vendetta against us for complaining but this has got to stop.

We pay for a service and expect to receive it. I will rate the company once this problem is resolved.

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  • Does not empty dumpster

Preferred solution: Let the company propose a solution

User's recommendation: Report problems so something is done

Dannette Wrk
map-marker Midland, Texas

Altes Sanitation Garbage Collection Review from Midland, Texas

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I recently paid $238 to get my dumpster back. I pay $50.90 a month and my trash is supposed to be dumped once a week.

Prior to the repo of my dumpster, it was only being dumped twice a month... Since I paid to get it back, 2 weeks have went by and it STILL HASN'T been emptied. If I'm getting only 1/2 the service, shouldn't I be paying for 1/2 the service?! This is ridiculous.

I don't care how empty or full it is, I pay for weekly dumps. I should not have to store my garbage.

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Reason of review:
Bad quality
1 comment

Same thing they did to me!

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