map-marker Eugene, Oregon

Wrong Toll Free Phone Number

The toll free number is not valid and has belong to them for more than 10 years Allegiant, FMCSA discovered the company's owner also operated Northern Van Lines, Inc. and Northeastern Vanlines, Inc.

of Florida, and United West Moving and Storage, Inc. of South Carolina. Combined, more than 100 complaints have been filed against the three related companies in the National Consumer Complaint Database.

They now face fines of over $31,000 total and have also been suspended from operating for at least one year. Use the local numbers if you need to contact them and good luck with your move

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Reason of review:
phone number

Preferred solution: Update the web site

Liany Amz
map-marker Salem, Oregon


PLEASE READ this. it will save you from making a heartbreaking decision. If you have been screwed by this company please go to face book and type in allegiant van lines scams like page and post your story we have information to help you get justice.

In March of 2013, I entered my information on to inquire about a move from Phoenix Arizona to Newberg Oregon. I got several quotes from moving companies and decided it would be easier for me to rent a u haul and do it myself. Then I got a phone call from Sebastian at Allegiant van lines.

He told me that he could move my things cheaper than if I rented a u haul because they piggy back loads. Upon explanation I found out that meant they put several families things on one truck making it cheaper for them to move people. Sebastian then asked me to go to each room in my house telling him everything that was in each room. I did that. Then I hung up went to my storage unit and called him back and told him everything that was in there down to how many shovels I had. He then gave me an estimate of 1800 to move all of my things from Phoenix to Newberg. He then told me I need to pay a 600 dollar deposit in order to hold my estimate. He wanted cash but I told him there was no way I could get cash to him in 24 hours. He told me to pay him a 50 dollar hold fee until I could come up with the money. I did that. Before I paid anymore money I called the BBB in phoenix to ask about this company, they informed me that they had a A- rating and they had only 1 complaint. So, I was assured that they were a ligitmate company with a good reputation. I still had no way to get cash to him so He finally agreed to take it off my debit card. My account was charged 590 to hold my estimate on 4/4/2013.

My move date was suppose to be on May 28,2013. By the end of April 2013 I had recieved nothing from this company regarding my move, no calls, emails, mail.. nothing. So I started calling the company at 888-551-****, I left message after message with no return call. I finally left a message stating I was going to call the Lane County Sherriffs office and have them go to the address listed on their website. I thought they stole my money. I finally got a phone call from "Julian" he identified himself as a "supervisor" who apologized all over the place stating that Sebastian had been fired and all the contracts that he had written were lost at the moment and that he would have to call me back. A few hours later he finally called me back stating he had found my contract. He told me at that time not to worry, that one week before the truck would come, I would start getting emails from their "dispatch" letting me know when the truck would arrive on the 28th of May.

The week before the move I heard nothing from anyone. Again, I called and called the number leaving messages for "Julian" after several days I finally got a phone call from "Julian" stating that dispatch was very busy and that my truck would be at my house between 8-10 on May 28, 2103. All my things were packed by me and ready to go. On the morning of May 28th 2013, we waited for the truck, Noon rolls around and no truck. I start calling again, with no answer from anyone in this company. I finally reach someone named " Shannon" who stated there was no truck available that day and no one had told her that she needed to send a truck to pick up my things. She stated she would try to get me a truck the next day and that was the best she could do. I started calling the company again, trying to find out why the truck was not there. I finally got ahold of "Alicia Glenn" aka Alicia Green aka Alicia Michalski, depending on what day it is. She also claimed to be a supervisor, above Julian, she was Julian's boss. She told me there was a miscommunication between them and dispatch so no truck was dispatched for that day. She also gave me her personal extension number so I could call her directly. That number will be listed at the end of this statement. She promised me the truck would be there the following day. So we sat and waited til the next day.

The next day we finally got a call from a guy named "Manuel Fuentes" stating he was a truck driver for Allegiant. He was on his way to pick up my things and that he wanted to go to the storage unit first to pick up those things and then pick up the things from my house. I said fine we will meet you at the storage unit. This was about 4:30 in the evening on the 29th of May. We met them at the storage unit where they arrived in a Ryder truck. No company identification on it just a rented Ryder truck. When I asked them if they worked for Allegiant they said yes. I asked why do you not have a company vehicle. We were told that the smaller trucks pick up the loads and meet the driver of the 18 wheeler and load it on to his truck. Seemed plausible to us. We sat and watched as they loaded my things. They were moving my fridge onto the truck when they lifted the gate to put it on the truck it fell off onto the ground. Needless to say the fridge was destroyed and does not work. I immediately called Alicia and told her that they dropped it off the truck, I had to leave a message because she never answers her phone directly. She called me back and told me that I would be able to file a claim once my things were delivered in Oregon and that I would be reimbursed for the damages.

They Load my things on their truck and proceed to my house where they were suppose to finish loading my house so we could leave. They get to my house and by this time it's 7:30 at night. They start loading my stuff onto the truck. Then This man shows up claiming to be a "supervisor" his name was Alex. He immediately jumps out of his car walks up to me and started screaming at me.. literally screaming at me. "We are not moving your stuff, this is too much stuff, you either rip up your contract and sign a new one or I am throwing your stuff onto the street." I was in a tailspin, had no idea what was going on . I had given Sebastian a room to room list and not one thing more was in this load to move. Not one. I started yelling back at this man, I said "look, I gave you guys an exact list of what was to be moved and I expect you to get this stuff moved tonight you are already a day late and I was suppose to be out of my condo yesterday" We fought, Alex tore up my contract, I tried to call the company but by this time it was 9pm and of course no one was going to answer the phone, not even supervisor Alicia! Half my stuff was already on the truck and I had no where to go.

Alex told me that my stuff was 3 times the original weight that was quoted me. I told him he was lying, how could he know this without weighing the truck? He finally agreed to finish loading my things and to go to the weigh station to weigh the truck if I agreed to sign a new contract including a new price of 6400 dollars. I had no choice, I had to be out and I had no where to go so I agreed to sign the contract on the condition that the when the truck was weighed the price would be adjusted accordingly. Alex said that he would agree to that, when I went to sign the contract I asked for "full replacement insurance" he stated "we are not required to offer full replacement all we offer is .60 per pound of what is lost or damaged. That is all we are required to do by DOT law. I had no idea what the law was at the time, so I signed it. I later found out that the company was actually REQUIREED to offer me full replacement insurance as well as the booklet that explained my rights as a consumer, none of which I got neither has any of the 27 families they ripped off since March of 2013.

I was finishing loading the cars, Manuel Fuentes told me to meet them at the weigh station in a hour I agreed to do that. I took pictures of the license plate of the truck that was at my house and the truck number. When we got to the weigh station, of course they said my things weighed more than the original estimate. They demanded 1700 cash, refused cards or checks, cash only, or they were going to dump my stuff at the weigh station. My friend went to the bank and withdrew 1700 to give them so we could get moving to Newberg, I was told at that time that the truck would arrive on Newberg 3-5 days from that date, which was May 29th 2013. I was also told that by Sebastian when I got my original contract, that it would only take 3-5 days to receive our stuff in Newberg. I was suppose to start work that next week. Unbeknownst to me, my friend took pictures of the truck that was at the weigh station, it wasn't til we got to Oregon that we realized the truck that was at the weigh station was not the same truck that was at my house loading my things on it. It was a different truck with different license plates.

We left Arizona and went on our trek to Oregon, the second day we were on the road I tried to call both Alex and Manuel Fuentes to see if our stuff had left Arizona yet. Neither one of their phones were working. I panicked. I started calling every number I had for this company, leaving messages, never once did I get a call back. When we got to Newberg, I started calling again. Finally I get a call from "Aicia" I asked her if my things had left Arizona, she stated "I have no clue where your load is" I said what? What does that mean? She stated that the driver they hired to pick up my things did not actually work for Allegiant that he was a subcontractor out of Nevada that they used to do the pick ups and they were suppose to deliver my things to the "Allegiant warehouse" in Phoenix. They had not received my stuff. I was livid, I started investigating these people and this Alex charecter.. I called the Arizona DOT and they told me that "Alex" had been banned from doing business in Arizona since 2010 and they have been trying to catch him since then.

I then called Ryder trucks and gave them the license plates off BOTH trucks and asked who had rented those trucks. I was told that Allegiant van lines has never rented a truck from them but EXPRESS MOVERS had rented the trucks in question. Express movers is owned by this Alex guy, he did have a website up but since my investigation started it has been taken down off the internet. I called JJ Stroh at Arizona DOT and told him what I had found. He informed these people are scam artists and him and the federal DOT investigator, Lawerence Hawthorne, had been tracking them for two years. He told me to keep after Alicia to keep calling her and getting as much information as I could out of her.

I called Alicia daily looking for my things. I couldn't get ahold of her for a few days when she finally returned my call on about the 6th of June she told me she had "flown to Phoenix herself and inspected my load personally herself and that according to the inventory list, all my things were not there, things were missing." She then told me she was going to continue to fly back and forth from Eugene Oregon to Phoenix Arizona until she located my missing load. This went on back and forth for about a week. In the meantime, I continued to investigate this company.

I found numerous complaints about this company, all complaints sounded like an exact reinactment of what happened to me. Many of these complaints ended up badly, things broken or missing all together. I become more upset. I keep digging. I find that this company has had many DBA's in the past two years, several that had been revoked by several DOT offices around the country. JJ Stroh of the Arizona DOT office then asked me to contact Lawrence Hawthorne, the investigator for the federal DOT office. I did that. He told me to keep this woman Alicia talking as much as possible, get as much information as possible. But it was very difficult. She would never email me, all she would do is call me. From numbers generated by google voice. None of which are traceable. I also found out the address on their website, is not a real address but an empty warehouse in Eugene oregon, the owner of that warehouse is trying to find these people for using his address as their business address and they have NEVER been on the property. He has had several people calling him looking for Allegiant for the same reason I am and he has never heard of them.

In the meantime, I had recieved several emails from info@***.com, attached were invoices, supposedly for my load. Everytime I got one I would call Alicia, she said to me " I have no idea where those are coming from, they are not from me and I am the one in charge of your load, please email them to me and I will check it out" I would email them to her and she would never email me back.. ever. Her email address is Alicia@***.com. These contracts as well as my original one will be attached to this statement.

Finally, June 10th 2013, Alicia called me to say that my stuff was going to be delivered to me that Wednesday, and that I owed them 1400 for the balance of my contract that was rewritten by this Alex guy. As stated above I had recieved many contracts from these people, all reflecting different amounts owing. So I asked this Alicia, is all my stuff there? She stated she did not think so and that she was going to show up at my house to help me inventory the load and that I would owe nothing if it was not all there, until they could locate all my boxes and belongings. Wednesday came, no call from Alicia or the supposed dispatch. I called and called her. she finally called me back asking "didn't dispatch call you" No I told her. She then stated she would have to hang up and call dispatch herself to see what was going on. a few hours later she called me back stating that the driver "AVERY" was on his way with my stuff and that he was going to deliver all the other households on the truck and then bring me mine. She told me that Avery was to call her prior to his arrival at my home so she could drive up from Eugene Oregon to meet the truck and help me inventory. Thursday came, no truck, Friday came no truck, so I called Alicia again. She then stated that the truck was having problems delivering to another property and that he was behind.. She also then informed me that the owners of the company told her she could not come to my home to help me inventory because she was too "emotionally involved" when I asked for an explanation of that, she stated "well I am a retired nurse and since you are a nurse they think that I am too invovled with you" It was at that very moment I realized I had been had. I hung up and called JJ Stroh with the AZ DOT.

JJ informed me he was calling the Newberg Police to get them involved and the Oregon DOT. I got a call from Det. Simmons who told me that I needed to contact them when the driver called to say he was bringing my things. I gave him the phone number and name of that driver. Det. Simmons then informed that this driver did not have a CDL and had a warrant out for his arrest. So they would arrest him when he got here. Saturday June 15th, 1:00 pm the driver called me, this driver's name was Oday.. not Avery. He told me that he was called to pick up the trailer in Washington state where Avery had dumped it. Some how this Avery got tipped that the police would be here to take him in when he arrived. He unhooked the trailer in Washington state and left it. This Oday informed me he would be here at 1;00 in the morning to deliver my stuff, of course in the middle of the night so no one can help me. I said fine, per instructions of the Newberg police, I asked him to please call me a half hour before arrival so I can be awake and ready to get my stuff. He actually called me at 9:30 pm saying he was almost here. I contacted Newberg Police who said they were waiting and ready. He pulled up to my house got out of the truck and I opened my garage door. I didn't see the police, I went in my house to call them and this man came barging in my house wanting 1800 dollars in cash only. The amount had changed again! I told him I was trying to call Alicia because she told me not to pay til the load was inventoried. He told me I either give him cash right that moment or he was leaving with my stuff. I said no you have to wait, he walked out to the garage to try to leave and was met by a Newberg Police officer. Imagine his shock when the officer said, where are you going? The officers then called the Oregon State Police to come and get the truck, which they did. After they made him unload my belongings. Unfortunately 45 boxes and items where missing from my load. That was almost half of my things. The officer took inventory off the inventory list given to me BY ALEX and my things were gone. The state police looked at his paperwork that proved he picked up the truck in Washington State not in Arizona so they could not arrest him, however, they did red tag the truck and they took it from them.

I called KGW in Portland to do an investigative report which they did on the 10th of June. They called Alicia many many times and finally got her to call them back, she told them that I was lying and that they were going to sue me for not paying them for the balance of my move. So when they did air the report, they could not legally name the company. I found out from law enforcement that this is what they have done to everyone who has gone to the media about them, it keeps their name from being mentioned .. ANYWHERE. Here is what we know for sure.. There is no "Allegiant van lines" it is a web based scam ran by Alicia Michalski, Robert Michalski, Christopher Michalski and Brad.. who is Alicia's brother. They have no physical address, however, they have many made up addresses listed across the country on the web. All of their phone numbers are google voice generated, unable to trace. I did get one email from Alicia which I got an IP address that is registered with, they run their domain with this company. I have contacted them as well notifying them of the crimes being committed by these people, they have promised to work with law enforcement to catch these people.

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Ditto! Exactly the same scenario with Red White and Blue Movers (Florida, broker), DMI Movers (California), and USA Movers (California)

Nightmare from ***

Quynh Maq
map-marker Richardson, Texas


I began my experience with this company from a referral from They appeared to be legit and had good reviews. Upon further reading of the reviews, they all have the same spelling errors and they all say the same things, leading me to believe that they are all made up reviews. When I entered my information on,”Robert Michaels” which is not his real name I found out later, called me immediately and took a thorough inventory of my items over the phone. He assured me that his estimate of 7,506 pounds would be way more than I actually had and that I would end up paying less than that because I didn’t have that much stuff. Things Robert lied about on that phone call: Assured me 3 times that they are not brokers, they are. Assured me my items would not weigh over 7,506 pounds…who knows? Told me it could all be paid on my credit card. 1/3 up front, 1/3 enroute, 1/3 upon delivery...not true, after they get your deposit they want everything else in cash or postal money order. (That makes it easier for them to commit tax evasion) Anyway, I digress. Pretty much everything Robert told me that day was a lie.

By the time moving day came, I got rid of several inventory items so that I would be sure to stay under the weight. About 1 week before my move date I got an email from “Julian” with all sorts of type-o’s and misspelled words telling me how he needed to reach me to take ANOTHER inventory to make sure I was within weight. Upon speaking to Julian, he decided that he didn’t need to make any adjustments to my estimate because of the stuff I had gotten rid of and I assured him I didn’t add anything to the order.

My moving date was supposed to be June 11, with a backup day of June 10, the company showed up on June 12 at 5:30 PM, in a Budget Rental truck, claiming their truck “broke down”. The truck was already partially loaded with another load and the driver refused to do a tare weight in front of me. They loaded all of my stuff into their truck (I had already packed it all, they only had to wrap the furniture) and left my home at 11 PM. At this point when the truck was loaded the driver had me sign a new, “non-binding” estimate stating that my stuff was 11,000 pounds. I was completely dumbstruck and he forced me to sign this non-binding contract under duress. He also refused to go to a weigh station that night with me. He also added an additional $200 to the new non-binding agreement. HE advised me to call Allegiant Van Lines in the morning and they would have my weight. I didn’t end up getting my weight until 3 days before they arrived at my new home in Oklahoma.

When they took my items they were to put my belongings into storage in Tacoma, WA. Robert told me when I set it up to call 7 days before delivery with new address in OK and they would deliver it when I wanted it. I called on July 2, and advised the company I wanted my items delivered on July 10. At that point they still didn’t have my weight and they didn’t end up giving it to me until July 15 when “Shannon” in the office advised me I owed an additional $5,071 in cash or postal money order or my items would be auctioned off. My delivery did not come until July 18. My items were delivered by a driver named “Dexter”, but the company told me his name was “Victor” so who knows what his name is. He showed up in a semi with DRS Quality Relocation Services Commerce City CO, MC 563640, USDOT 150**** on the truck. The driver refused to do a reweigh in front of me. He only had the tare weight slips from the first company that picked my items up on June 12. He flat out refused to do a reweigh. I called the Oklahoma City PD and they would not get involved saying it was a civil matter. My items showed up like they went through a tornado. The driver insisted that he got my items in the condition that he delivered them in, but I know they didn’t leave my original destination in that condition. I have filed all the necessary paperwork for insurance purposes, but I highly doubt I will get anything for my broken/damaged items.

If all this isn’t bad enough, here is my main complaint: When I called the weigh station in Tacoma WA that supposedly weighed the truck

Per the tare slip I was given, they told me the person on the weigh slip DID NOT WORK that day. That only leads me to believe that the weigh slips are fraudulent.

Allegiant was served a subpoena to cease and desist interstate operations on 7-29-13. Do not use this company. They will take all of your money and break your heart. STAY AWAY!!!!!!

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Delmi Ubi
map-marker Tacoma, Washington

Liars and thieves

First off, the people you talk with at Allegiant are related by marriage, etc. Contrary to their lies, they are a broker that hires Russian and Ukrainian movers who will slaughter your belongings and couldn't care less. Allegiant is a fly-by-night operation that worked out of Florida before the legal system their shut them down. Then then opened offices in Eugene but when I looked on Google Earth at their worksite there were no trucks and the place looked abandoned.

Alicia Green (not her real last name; none of these people uses a real name) is is co-owner of this den of thieves but poses as a lowly, friendly worker.

If you use this company, you WILL regret it. I know this first hand but won't go through the loss to damage and theft since the other reviewers did a great job on this.

Apparently the feds have shut them down. Likely they'll resurface elsewhere with another name, run by Alicia and gang (literally) until legal authorities have had enough of the complaints and shut them down again.

These people belong in jail. DO NOT DEAL WITH THEM.

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We scheduled our pickup in April, they showed up on day two of the two day window - which was fine, Jesse was organized and professional. They were supposed to hold our stuff in storage until we "ordered" it, when we did on 9/6 Sherry called me on 9/9 and said our stuff was "marked for delivery." She was supposed to call me back within 4 days with an ETA... i never got that call back. I called and left voice-mails every day after the 4 days until after the 21 day window for trans-continental moves was up our lawyer sent them a letter... the letter demanded that they contact us within 2 business days, they never did. This entire time Jesse, who was responsible for our pickup but no longer works for them (b/c they are horrible), maintained communication with us and the Owner of Allegiant. The owner told Jesse, to tell us, to come get our own belongings. After seeing the horrible reviews about stolen and damaged goods we flew my husband to Oregon, rented a truck and drove our own belongings to VA. Luckily for us, our belongings were being held at Willow Creek Storage and Jesse was still involved and our belongings were safe and sound. We did have to pay the storage unit fee as Allegiant was late on payments.

Throughout this entire process i contacted the City of Eugene, OR police, where supposedly Allegiant was headquartered. They took my contact info and had that of another victim. They said this was a civil matter but that there were elements that could lead to a criminal case...

SO, if you have been victimized by Allegiant CALL THE CITY OF EUGENE POLICE - (541) 682-****. Detective Smith is in charge of the case. They currently are just collecting info, but the more people that call the better!

map-marker Tawas City, Michigan

Tried to file claim after move, can't get ahold of them

Hired Allegiant back in April for a May move, things were fine, took them forever to deliver our things, when we got them our bigger items were damaged. Filed a claim with csi, then csi dropped them.

I just want to get compensation for the damages and the hassle of going thru this. Does anyone know would I be able to get my claim info from csi to go to a lawyer with it or what.

How do you handle something like this. Any information would be appreciated and would help my family have a better christmas, just want justice.

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Kemi Jjt
map-marker Humble, Texas


My daughter used this rip off company back in March 2013 to move from Nebraska to Texas. She is a Wounded Warrior who served in Afghanistan and they knew this well before the move date.

Her initial contract was for $1943.02 and after they loaded her things on a Budget Rental truck, in Home Depot packing boxes, the driver Nick came back w/ a "new" contract for $3329.00 !!! This was for a small one bedroom apt. and they didn't even take everything plus the inventory lists matched one for one. This is what they will tell you, the rep.

"quoted your load to low". Now this is w/ them eye balling, no weighing, he wouldn't do it. We received her things 20 days later after I threatened to file w/ every agency I could. They have caused my daughter such distress that she can't even deal w/ this, so I am.

She relocated again a few months ago and left everything in storage because she didn't want to go thru another move. I despise these people for putting my daughter thru undo stress, especially when they knew up front about her being wounded. When I started this campaign to help others from being ripped off and helping those who have they had 3 registered complaints w/ the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (, they now have 36 !!! So, do yourself a BIG favor and use a big carrier and check everyone out on the Federal sites.

Those you can trust, because the majority of the "positive" reviews are written for them by those they pay.

If you need help, please email me at denrerob@***.com. There is much more to this story, but main thing is STAY AWAY FROM ALLEGIANT VAN LINES...


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Kemi Jjt
map-marker Humble, Texas





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