Allante Keeshond
Allante Keeshond Overview
The aggregated data is based on reviews and questionnaires provided by PissedConsumer.com users.
Allante Keeshond has 5.0 star rating based on 1 customer review. Consumers are mostly satisfied.
- Rating Distribution
Recent recommendations regarding this business are as follows: "Allante Kees are superior dogs, but only for dedicated owners.".
Review authors value the most Exchange, Refund and Cancellation Policy and Location. The price level of this organization is low according to consumer reviews.
The aggregated data is based on reviews and questionnaires provided by PissedConsumer.com users.
Allante Keeshond has 5.0 star rating based on 1 customer review. Consumers are mostly satisfied.
- Rating Distribution
Recent recommendations regarding this business are as follows: "Allante Kees are superior dogs, but only for dedicated owners.".
Review authors value the most Exchange, Refund and Cancellation Policy and Location. The price level of this organization is low according to consumer reviews.
I recently had a complex, heart-breaking situation involving an Allante Kees. Jeri handled it quickly, quietly, and kindly.
Due to a family incident, a 4-yr-old Keeshond. Jeri worked with me to be able to keep the dog.
When it became apparent that I was not able to provide a safe home for him, she quickly found a Kees family who were able to take him quickly. Never did she say or imply that I should not try to keep the dog.
She encouraged me, but kept the health and happiness of both me and the dog in mind. I was very impressed at how connected she was with her pups after they went to their forever home.
User's recommendation: Allante Kees are superior dogs, but only for dedicated owners.
This whole post was because of a *** fight and was started by a novice not by either Jeri or Alan
All of this whole post was because of a *** fight we had over a dog that was from Canada and our website. It was totally dumb and caused us both grief. We both agree this should never even have happened.
We both have asked this site to remove this whole post, yet they haven't done it.
Since then Jeri and Alan have both done business together and are good friends once again.
The health accusations were a misunderstanding and were confirmed untrue. I actually bought a puppy from Jeri and she used a stud dog that I was campaigning.
Please be aware this was started by a novice not Jeri nor Alan
- Because we are friends
When googling Allante Keeshonden, the site is redirected to Dynasty Kees. The person behind this kennel, Alan Leff of Texas, is a scam artist and not to be trusted.
Would not every do business with him nor purchase a dog from him. Stay away! The website has been deceptively taken from the real Allante Kees. This person has threatened lawsuits against many who have not done what he has wanted.
He is noteworthy in the dog who world because he rubs elbows with judges.
People are scared of him and the truth about him needs to be out. Have never heard of a Dynasty dog that has been successful.
Allante Keeshond.Com
This woman who co-owned the kennel name and dogs with me has written many nasty lies about me on the internet.
This is a woman who I helped when her Crystal *** selling Husband threw her out, and then she was in a mental facility after the break up.
When she had no money to show the dog we were campaingning I cashed in a good portion of my 401k and spent the year campaigning the dog. I spent over $60,000.00.
After that we co-owned all the Allante Dogs, until just the beginning of December.
She then decided that I shouldn't have any say in doing any of my own breedings under my own kennel name.
I had purchased the domaine Allantekees.com, many years ago and kept the website up and running paying $14.95 per month. When I offered to let her have the domain, for the same amount of money that I had put into it, she told me to shove it. I have no right to it, and she'll destroy me.
This is a woman that has bad mouthed almost every Kees breeder in the United States, and made horrible aqusations, about breeders here and in Canada.
After I gave her all the dogs, signed off all the Champions, she has made my life a living ***. Jeri Spalding Caldwell, has had many problems with others Kees breeders and exhibitors, called a terrible gossip, and just down right mean.
I don't know why she couldn't keep her word on not bad mouthing each other, but its typical of Jeri Spalding Caldwell of Allante, she can't keep any promise.
She has the nerve to say I win because I HOB NOB with judges, I've been showing dogs from the age of 12, and am now 58. And if I only win because of that I guess that tells you what the Allante Dogs are...POOR QUALITY if it took my HOB NOBBING with the judges. This is a LIE. I show dogs, advertise, and travel all over the country.
If I am such a bad character, why did it take ME to split up our partnership.
May she only get what she is deserving of......get out of dogs..and save the breed.
This person is selling dogs that have genetic defects. Even though she claims her dogs do not have any of them, I have 2 of them myself with the Alopecia X problem. They both are Champions, at at 4-5 years of age, their hair started falling out around the neck and around their thighs.
She has also bred a dog in the near past that had both this Apopecia X factor and had Seizures.
She makes comments about everyone else, but she herself has genetic problems, and is badmouthing her EX partner, who is Dynastykees.com, which has been trying to correct her bad breeding practices.
This comment is being done by my former partner in Allante Kees. I put almost 100k into her dogs
The owner of Allante Keeshond.com is Jeri Spalding Caldwell.
She is trying to deal with her bad life,saying horrible things about reputible breeders in the United States and Canada
The complaint was put up by my former partner in Allante Kees. She has taken over 100k in monies towards her dogs, and yet to give me anything, She kept all the good dogs for herself and when I said I wanted off her dogs, and no nore money this is how I was thanked.
She had the nerve to ask me why I would want to keep the Kennel Name....it's my name as much as hers, since I paid so much money. When her ex-meth dealing husband left her in a loony bin, with nothing, I cashed in my 401k and spent over 60K on the dog we were campaigning.
When I bought breeding stock from reputable breeders, she made horrible comments against them. She was in a mental instution after her *** selling husband left her for a 23 year old Guitar teacher.
I finished many of her champions, and I did do all health checks, unlike her, who wanted me to breed a dog we co-bred with coat funk. She also bred the dog I spent over 60k on, that has RAGE. He has had a horrible temperment from the time he was a puppy. Ch, Allante's Start The Commotion has both the coat disease, and RAGE. Yet she never wants to admit to any of her dogs haveing genetic problems.
She wants to make false statements, now you can know the real truth
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It sneems that Jeri Spalding Caldwell has such a miserable life in my opinion that she has to attack anyone that dares to cross her path. if you dare to disagree with her, she will stab you in the back, and try and get others to follow suit.
I showes dogs for her for almost 7 years and only when I wanted something my way she was she becaame mean and evil. She preys on puppy buyers that are novices. I never wanted to heiefe her, hut I gues its true.
In my opinion she is a "*** Hag", and has a thing for *** men. Once she figures out she can't have them, she gives up and bashes the *** out of them.
Jeri, I hope you go back to the mental institution where you were after you tried to kill yourself, and get some realy help. You definately need some.
Alan showed dogs for me before he ever showed for Jeri Spalding. He is honorable, he has never taken advantage of anyone, and if anything he is always there for the underdog.
Jeri Spalding was married to a *** cooker and seller, and when he dumped her, Alan was there to pick up the pieces, and bring her back from the dead.
She has always been a jealous mean person, and one that is always talking nasty about everyone behind their backs.
Too bad Jeri couldn't just let it go. When I asked him about the website, he said he paid 200.00 for the domaine and then 15.00 month for the past 6 years. He even offered to sell the domain to her for the cost of what he paid, and not the cost plus the monthly fee.
She is a very jealous vindictive person, who feels that by bad mouthing him, she can get away with everything and anything. She is the one who is pitiful, and mean. Jeri, why don't you let it go, and grow up?
I've been in the breed a long time, and Jeri has ridden on the coat tails of Jan Wanamaker, Janit Johnson, Linda Moss, and now Alan. He is a good guy and always there for the underdog. Now she has proven NO GOOD DEED GOES UNPUNISHED!
Before you open your mouth, you better check the records. I've shown 3 Keeshonden to BIS plue 7 other group winners.
The dogs I showed I guess is because I hob nob with judges? This sounds bad for Jeri, the Allante Kees person.
I've finished 13 Cavaliers, over 20 Shiba Inu's, 30 Keeshonden, plus numerous other breeds.
I won a lot of wins with Allante dogs, and because Jeri doesnt want to admit that I finished and won with her dogs, if it's not Jeri writing the horrible things, then you need to learn your facts...
Who even knows about Allante Kees for the past years as she was out of business, until I helped her financially to bring her back to life in dogs.
So if this is not Jeri or David her current husband, then you better learn your facts. Remember this site keeps IP address' and I will investigate until I find out who is writing this.
Maybe you should be afraid of SLANDER charges because you have your head up your *** not knowing what the truth is.
I have known Alan Leff for over 40 years. He has done well by his friends and people he has shown dogs for.
Jeri Caldwell wrote all the evil things about him, and is only mad because he will not put any further funds into her dogs.
She is deceptive, and if it wasn't for him, she would've been out of dogs when her ex husband left her for his 23 year old guitar teacher.
Shame shame shame on her, and her lies about him.
This post was no posted by anyone associated with Allante Keeshond. Mr.
Leff assumed it was, but it wasn't. Now he is attacking his former partner because he doesn't know all of the facts. Here is a little know fact - Mr.
Leff was showing a dog for an owner so that she would marry his love interest at the time to make his lover a legal citizen. When the affair went south so did his agreement to show the dog.
I showed Kees for Allante Kees for over 7 years. In that time we were partners, with the exception of the money. She never had any after her husband divorced her and left for a 23 year old guitar teacher. When she had no money, I was there to pick up the pieces and put almost 100k into the showing and breeding of the dogs.
When I wanted a dog from a breeding we did together, she didn't want me to have one because she promised my puppy to someone else.
And she has the nerve to write this about me.
When asked if she wanted to purchase the domain name from me, she told me to stick it up my ***..since she never paid the 14.95 monthly upkeep for 7 years, nor most of the entries, traveling, and up until this last year had unpaid returned checks to dog show superentendents.
I co-owned Allante Kees with her, and now that I split the partnership up, she is putting horrible statements on the web.
Check out my facebook page, for pictures of 2 Allante dogs, with big bald patches from the COAT PROBLEM the breed has, and was told I was never to tell anyone about the dogs having the problem.
I will gladly share any other information about this Allante woman and her gossiping she has done about every other Kees breeders problems...yet refuses to admit her line has problems.
But I guess as she said I hob nob with judges, the only way an Allante Dog CAN WIN!
Alan - trying to reach you but computer crash lost your email. Pls contact me - ann, who likes gems and bling!
If this was true that the only reason I won was because I HOB NOBBED with the judges, it doesnt say much for the Allante Keeshond, since I showed almost exclusively for Allante Kees. And if they only won for that reason, it basically says that the Allante Dogs Were inferior, since I had to HOB NOB with judges.
I would like this deleted. This was put up as a personal slam to me by my ex business partner. It has horrible name calling and is a personal attack.