Alarm Pro Security
AlarmPro Security Owner Sold Company Behind Other Owners Back.....FRAUD
I'm 50/50 business partners with Konrad of A&K Electric Windsor Inc with a company called AlarmPro Security. The business idea and all the work I put into this company to start this business(Business name,Picking the logo,Designing the whole website,Client forms,Setting up suppliers,Hiring an alarm tech,Posting ads online,Getting 90% of the customers we had & Hours and hours I put into this company without any pay for my long hours) I have proof of all this.
Konrad decided to sell the company behind my back without me involved in any meetings or signing papers or agreeing to sell the company.
Konrad got anywhere from 2,000-4,000 for the sale of this small alarm company for the alarm contracts I brought to this company. Konrad has not and will not give me the money that is owed to me for this sale of this company or show me the paperwork signed of the sale to a local security company. I called the local security company in regards to the sale of AlarmPro Security and told Innes that I'm still an owner of the company and Konrad cannot sell anything without me nor do I agree with the sale of my company. Innes was very nice on the phone but didn't want to answer all my questions or give me any numbers Konrad and himself discussed.
This is fraud I'm still an owner and Konrad should pay me my money owed to me for the sale of the company and all my hours I put into this company. (Should also pay for the fraud he committed or get charged for fraud if you ask me)
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