Re:corporate office
Would anyone know how you would get a hold of the corporate office higher then the dealership?The manager has no right doing what he is doing and i know i am going to find a lawyer that will take the case.When you are 46 years old and you go around unprofessionally and say *** about people you must have a mental problem.This guy needs a wake up call.Saying douch bag,sucking ?????etc just going to any sight and facebook hasnt caught this guy.I need anyone who bought a car there and had problems to touch base with me.I have seen alot of people a while ago but cant find the site.Please let me know.
I bought a car at AK Acceptance.For one they ripped me off on the price.Well after a year of making on time payment's i went to trade the car in.Well my payment was due thenew dealer told me not to worry we can put you into a new vehicle.Well after finding out i was overcharged and the payoff was to high no bank would do it.So then they were out to repo it.I hid it causded it and they couldn't find it.The manager Doug Sedon decides to come on facebook and go to all my friends saying i was a thief,douch bag,i suck on the mayor's????,and other stuff i won't mentioned.Well yes i should give the car back but the police even told him there is nothing they can do.he kept telling people you know where it's at i will give you a reward.Everyone told him to no and to leave them alone.I still have the car.He came on last night and started on my son and said why wont your dad come out and be a man so i can kick his ???.And my son said and you call your self a man?going to his friends,calling names and so on and he left.He just picks people out randomly gets them to add him and starts his stuff.I want to do something to this guy.I am ready to tell him to get the car but i want to sue his *** for what he has done.Yeah it's there car but what he is doing isbreaking the law.
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